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Anders Bekeken

Olympische Spelen - Hoe groen zijn de Olympische Spelen Beijing 2008?

Geschreven op 13-11-2007 - Louisdeco. Geplaatst in Energie en Besparing, Klimaat, Milieu, Natuur, Olympische Spelen, Sport Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

In het milieuplan voor de Olympische Spelen van 8 tot en met 24 augustus 2008 in Beijing, China worden de volgende doelen ten aanzien van milieu en ecologie genoemd:

1 Construction of the second Shan-Jing natural gas pipeline with a transport capacity of 4-5 billion m3/year, by 2007. Energy
2 Conversion of coal burning boilers in the urban area, increased use of clean fuels and energy structure readjustment. Energy
3 District heating supply to over 50% of the urban civil residential area. Electricity and geothermal heating coverage up to 16 million m2.
4 Improvement of transport infrastructure and construction of key roads.
5 Improvement of the public transportation system. Use of clean fuels in 90% of public buses and 70% of taxis.
6 Implementation of a vehicle emissions standard equal to Euro II for light vehicles by 2004. Transport / air quality
7 Improvement of the management of flying dust in building sites and road construction. Prohibition of any kind of open air incineration. Coverage of outdoor storage areas of waste and other materials.
8 Protection of Miyun and Huairou reservoirs (sources of drinking water) and improvement of their water quality. Implementation of the silt elimination and water clarification project in Guanting reservoir.
9 Technical transformation and renovation of the Jingmi canal to improve water quality and flow. Water
10 Readjustment of the agricultural structure to promote development of high quality, high efficiency and water saving agriculture. Strengthened efforts to reduce flying dust in the agricultural sector.
11 Improvement of the city sewage network and wastewater treatment system. Achievement of a 2,8 million m3/day total wastewater treatment capacity by 2007.
12 Construction of hazardous waste disposal facilities for a total capacity of almost 10,000 tons/year (including medical and radioactive waste processing and disposal plants).
13 Implementation of a safe urban domestic waste disposal system by 2007. Establishment of processing facilities for non-hazardous urban waste in the Beijing suburban area.
14 Reduction and control of industrial pollution. Implementation of industry pollution registration, monitoring and licensing system. Closing down of heavy polluting, high energy consuming and resource-wasteful enterprises.
15 Relocation of more than 200 industrial enterprises from within the Beijing Fourth Ring Road. Readjustment of
industrial structure. Relocation, closure or renovation of heavy polluting and energy consuming plants in the Beijing southeast area and Shijingshan district. Phase-out of old technologies. Improvement of environment quality in the southeast suburb and Shijingshan district.
16 Achievement of 40% of green cover in the urban area. Establishment of a green belt alongside the Fourth Ring Road (100 m wide green belt on both sides of the road except for those sections running through already built up areas).
17 Realization of the Five River Ten Road green belt. Accomplishment of nearly 50% of forest coverage rate. Realization of three green ecological belts in the mountain, plain and urban areas respectively.
18 Strengthening of natural preservation zones and establishment and management of key conservation areas (such as wetlands, forests and bird habitats). Establishment of natural protection areas over 8% of the municipal area.
19 Formulation and implementation of an action plan to phase out Ozone-depleting Substances (ODS). Achievement of the target by 2005.
20 Implementation of cutting-edge environmental technologies in the design of Olympic venues. Use of natural resourceefficient, non-polluting and recyclable materials for facilities and equipment. Preservation during the construction of
Olympic venues of indigenous vegetation and ecological ecosystems. Protection of cultural relics. Improvement of green coverage. Promotion of public transportation and clean fuel vehicles in the Olympic transport system.

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