Anders Bekeken

Google Lunar X Prize: The Lunar X Prize Is Relaunching The New Space Race Without Google

Geschreven op 29-2-2008 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Educatie, Iets anders, Klimaat Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

8 April 2018: X Prize is relaunching a private moon race without Google or a prize: The Lunar X Prize, the new space race.

Earlier this year, Google ended its decade-long sponsorship of the Google Lunar X Prize, a $30 million moon race that sought to spur commercial spaceflight and exploration.

But on April 5 2018 the nonprofit X Prize Foundation announced that it’s relaunching the race as a non-cash competition (for now), with contest parameters to be worked out over the next few months.

“We are extraordinarily grateful to Google for funding the $30 million Google Lunar X Prize between September 2007 and March 31, 2018. While that competition is now over, there are at least five teams with launch contracts that hope to land on the lunar surface in the next two years,” Peter Diamandis, X Prize founder and executive chairman, said in a statement.

Over the years, more than two dozen teams threw their hats into the ring. But none of them ended up meeting the Google Lunar X Prize’s shifting deadline that was originally the end of 2012, but it was extended several times, finally to March 31 2018. Only five teams remained in the Lunar X Prize competition to the very end: Florida-based Moon Express, Team Hakuto from Japan, Israel-based SpaceIL, India’s Team Indus and international group Synergy Moon. As Diamandis mentioned, these five still plan to go through with their lunar missions, generally to lay the foundation for commercial operations based on moon mining and/or transportation services to the lunar surface.

google-lunar-x-prize.gif29 februari 2008: Een bijzondere competitie kun je wel zeggen. Want wat is de bedoeling? Naar de maan, tenminste 500 meter rijden en foto en verzamelde data weer terug naar aarde zenden.

De X Prize Foundation was al langer in samenwerking met de National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) in de weer met wat prijzen. Maar het benodigde prijzengeld werd niet gevonden. Google schoot te hulp en de competitie is een feit. Het prijzengeld is nu $30 miljoen en er hebben zich inmiddels tien teams ingeschreven voor de competitie. Wilt u meer weten dan raad ik u de volgende filmpjes, zie reacties, even aan.

3 Reacties

  1. Erik van Erne zegt:

    29 februari 2008 om 14:57 | Permalink

  2. Erik van Erne zegt:

    4 oktober 2010 om 11:22 | Permalink

    Google Lunar X PRIZE Hardware Reel 2010

    A compilation video of the amazing work that the 20+ teams around the world are undertaking, in pursuit of the $30 Million Google Lunar X PRIZE.

  3. Erik van Erne zegt:

    3 februari 2011 om 03:46 | Permalink

    Landing the Lunar X PRIZE by Red Whittaker

    Red Whittaker presents ‘Landing the Lunar X PRIZE’, part of the Field Robotics Center Seminar Series. This seminar covers the roles of Carnegie Mellon and Astrobotic in the X PRIZE, and the challenges involved in sending a robot to the moon.

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