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Anders Bekeken

Dode Vogels Vallen uit de Lucht en Massale Vissterfte in Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Alabama

Geschreven op 4-1-2011 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Natuur Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

Dead Birds Arkansas

Update 14 januari 2011: De lijst met plaatsen waar dode vogels, vis en zelfs crabben worden gevonden wordt steeds groter. Niet alleen in Amerika, maar ook elders in de wereld sterven er massaal dieren.

Biologen blijven beweren dat er op zich niets bijzonders aan de hand is, maar dat informatie nu meer dan vroeger op het internet wordt verspreid.

Anderen zien in de mysterieuze sterfte van vogels en vissen een verband met de enorme olievervuiling als gevolg van het BP-lek in de Golf van Mexico. Ook zijn er theoriën over het testen van het giftige Phosgene en zelfs het testen van wapens. Dode vissen en dode crabben zijn waarschijnlijk het gevolg van Cold Water Stress omdat het water uitzonderlijk koud is.

Elders in de wereld is er ook van alles aan de hand. Dode vogels in Falköping, Zweden en in Faenza, Italië is het ook raak en in Engeland worden grote hoeveelheden dode crabben gevonden. In Lebanon, Tennessee zijn ook dode vogels aangetroffen, evenals in California en in Tanner, Alabama

5 januari 2011: Nou, het wordt steeds mysterieuzer. In Louisiana zijn ook honderden dode vogels uit de lucht komen vallen en in Kentucky is het ook raak met dode vogels die overal worden aangetroffen. In Chesapeake Bay, Maryland spoelen ongelofelijke hoeveelheden dode vis aan. Voorzichtige schattingen gaan uit van circa 2 miljoen dode vissen.

De deskundigen houden het er voorlopig op dat er niets bijzonders aan de hand is. 4 januari 2011: De duizenden dode vogels die op 1 januari uit de lucht kwamen vallen boven het stadje Beebe in de Amerikaanse staat Arkansas, zijn gestorven door angst. Dat hebben hoge verantwoordelijken van de veterinaire diensten van Arkansas gemeld.

De mysterieuze vogelregen begon al op oudejaarsavond. Volgens de lokale autoriteiten in de zuidelijke staat lagen de straten van het stadje bezaaid met meer dan vijfduizend vogels. De verklaring dat de sterfte te maken heeft met vuurwerk lijkt ver gezocht.

Inmiddels is er sprake van een tweede mysterieuze en massale sterfte. Ongeveer 200 kilometer van Beebe worden massaal dode vissen aangetroffen in de rivier Arkansas, nabij het plaatsje Ozark. Voorlopige schattingen hebben het over 80.000 tot 100.000 dode vissen, vooral zoetwaterbaarzen.

Hoe de Amerikaanse autoriteiten zo snel hebben vastgesteld dat de dode vogels zijn gestorven door angst is mij niet duidelijk. Volgens goed Amerikaans gebruik worden mysterieuze zaken al heel snel verklaard. Over de opmerkelijke vissterfte is al gemeld dat het waarschijnlijk niets met een vergiftiging te maken heeft. Zal mij niet verbazen als er uit het nader onderzoek ook de conclusie wordt getrokken dat de vissen gewoon bang waren en zijn gestorven aan een trauma. Net zoals de vogels. Waar de dieren bang voor zijn, is niet bekend gemaakt.

Overigens blijkt er ook elders in de wereld van alles aan de hand te zijn met massale sterfte van dieren. In Zuid-Amerika vallen de vogels ook met duizenden dood uit de lucht. Wat daar precies aan de hand is, is nog niet bekend. Wie weet zijn de vogels ook daar ergens bang voor.

23 Reacties

  1. Joost Valk zegt:

    4 januari 2011 om 22:15 | Permalink

    In artikel in onderstaande link wordt er een verband gelegd met Monsanto’s praktijk die daar dicht in de buurt zit. Ik ben niet van de complottheorieën maar we moeten iets wat door amerikanen zo gemakkelijk als mysterieus toch onderzoeken er moet een verklaring voor zijn en dit lijkt niet op iets natuurlijks, dus moet het door invloed van menselijk handelen zijn. Wat is hier mis. We moeten de verantwoordelijken hiervoor traceren.

    Wie heeft meer informatie?

  2. Erik van Erne zegt:

    5 januari 2011 om 07:50 | Permalink

    New year fireworks may have caused Arkansas bird deaths

    New year fireworks appear to be behind thousands of blackbirds mysteriously falling from the sky onto a small Arkansas town, scientists said yesterday.

  3. Erik van Erne zegt:

    5 januari 2011 om 08:57 | Permalink

    Massive 2 million fish kill reported in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland

    The Maryland Department of the Environment is investigating the deaths of tens of thousands of small fish that have died in the Chesapeake Bay in the past week. An estimated 2 million fish have been reported dead from the Bay Bridge south to Tangier Sound, according to the Maryland Department of the Environment, which investigates fish kills. Source: Digital Journal

  4. Erik van Erne zegt:

    5 januari 2011 om 12:24 | Permalink

    Dead birds fall from sky in Falköping, West Sweden

    In Arkansas, the US, thousands of dead birds fell from the sky on New Years Eve. And just before midnight on Tuesday night, up to a hundred dead jackdaws were found on a street in Falköping, West Sweden.

    We don’t know the reason, says Tomas Ahlgren from the Skövde police. I don’t want to speculate about the cause, says Robert ter Horst, head of the veterinary unit at the county board in Västra Götaland, to GP.

    A couple of the dead jackdaws have been sent to the National Veterinary Institute in Uppsala. Robert ter Horst hopes to receive information about what caused the birds’ death at the beginning of next week. According to Robert ter Horst this type of bird mortality is extremely uncommon. There have been a couple of incidents when a large amount of seagulls have died, but not at the same time and not in such a small area. Source: Göteborg Daily

  5. alex zegt:

    5 januari 2011 om 15:48 | Permalink

    Het is gissen maar er is rond oud en nieuw op zeer grote schaal gebruik gemaakt van mobiel telefoon en internet.
    De straling die dit veroorzaakt is natuurlijk gigantisch. Misschien is het in die hoek te zoeken.

  6. Erik van Erne zegt:

    5 januari 2011 om 20:39 | Permalink

    Mysterious Bird & Fish Die

    Researcher Nick Begich and radio host Alex Jones commented on the recent bird die-off in Beebe, Arkansas (over 5,000 blackbirds fell to their deaths over a one-mile area) and the connection to possible secret testing or experiments. The birds’ organs were pulverized internally, almost liquefied, and one of the prime suspects as to the cause would be some type of electromagnetic test or energy weapons, said Jones. It’s possible that Project HAARP, some type of micro blast, or strange weather manipulation might be the explanation, Begich added. For more, see this article by Jones and Paul Watson.

    BIRD deaths reported in 2011 (in the past 4 days)…

    Arkansas — 5000 +
    Louisiana — 500 +
    Kentucky — dozens
    Canada (Manitoba) - 10,000
    New Zealand
    Japan and Hong Kong, (H1N1 blamed)
    Falköping Sweden
    North Carolina - hundreds of Pelicans (autopsy have ruled out humans killing birds)
    Italy - 300 doves
    Bats in Arizona:
    Bats in New Hampshire

    FISH & SEA LIFE deaths reported in 2011 (in the past 4 days)…

    Arkansas (100,00 dead fish) washed up along Arkansas river
    Maryland (10,000 dead fish) in Chesapeake Bay
    Brazil (100 tons of dead fish - millions) washed ashore
    New Zealand (100 dead fish)
    UK/Whales 100 dead crab/Bream/Other
    Italy (100,000 dead fish)
    Viet Nam (150 Tons)
    Florida Manatee deaths

  7. ria zegt:

    5 januari 2011 om 23:45 | Permalink

    Of zijn ze in Amerika H.A.A.R.P. aan het spelen?

  8. Joost Valk zegt:

    6 januari 2011 om 11:48 | Permalink

    Hoe lastig het ook lijkt. het is een bizar voorval en er wordt wat af geëxperimenteerd. We zullen dit niet moeten blijven bekijken vanuit de selffullfillingprofecy. De amerikanen zijn volledig van het pad van wereld verbeteren af zo te zien en te horen. We zullen elke dag weer op moeten staan om te kijken waar we onze verantwoordelijkheid kunnen nemen om de aarde weer leefbaar te krijgen. Laten we dat samen doen met mensen die OK zijn in onze eigen buurt of wijk waar we wonen.

  9. Erik van Erne zegt:

    6 januari 2011 om 18:15 | Permalink

    Faenza: la pioggia delle tortore morte si colora di blu
    Sono sicuramente molte centinaia, probabilmente migliaia, le Tortore dal collare orientale che stanno morendo in queste ore a Faenza. Si trovano a mucchietti nelle aiuole, schiacciate dalle macchine nelle strade, appese orrendamente agli alberi come palline di natale. Molte, molte di più, dicono i beni informati, nei terreni recintati ad uso industriale.

    Il WWF ne ha raccolte altre, non tutte già morte. Una decina, infatti, sono state inviate al Centro di Recupero Il Pettirosso di Modena, dove quelle arrivate ancora vive sono però morte poco dopo. Su tutto un mistero. All’interno del becco, in alcuni degli animali, la colorazione era di uno strano blu.

    Translation by Google: Faenza: the rain of death turtle turns blue

    There are certainly many hundreds, probably thousands, the collared dove who are dying at this moment in Faenza. They are in heaps in the flower beds, crushed by machinery in the streets, horribly hung from trees like Christmas balls. Many, many more, say the property information in the fenced land for industrial use.

    The WWF has other collections, not all already dead. A dozen, in fact, have been sent to the Center of Recovery The Robin of Modena, where those arriving are still alive but died shortly after. Over all a mystery. Inside the beak, in some animals, the staining was of a strange blue.

  10. Erik van Erne zegt:

    7 januari 2011 om 10:09 | Permalink

    Keep track of mass animal deaths with Google Maps

    Stay on top of the latest news about mass animal die offs with a little help from Google Maps.

    From the recent deaths of 5000 blackbirds over Arkansas to the 300+ doves that fell out of the sky in Italy.

    This handy map will help you decide if it’s time to ramp up fallout shelter construction.

    Look where in the world animals like birds and fish suddenly die.

    Source: Holy Kaw All Top

    Full interactive Mass Animal Deaths Map at Google Maps.

  11. Kora Millenaar zegt:

    7 januari 2011 om 23:58 | Permalink

    Nature is trying to tell us something. But what? I have no idea. Perhaps to many of a kind of animal. But than again, if you start to think about how many animals there are all over the world, than is 2 mil. not even that much. So far from December 13, 2010 until January 6, 2011 there are 2.4 mil. animals killed in a way we don’t understand. Nature will tell us what it is about when we are ready to listen.

  12. Greg zegt:

    8 januari 2011 om 05:50 | Permalink

    U.S. Official’s Death in Connection with Dead Birds and Fish in Arkansas

    Former U.S. Officer working for the Secretary of the Air Force John Wheeler’s death is a mystery but the report released by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) is even more shocking. In this document, it is stated that the U.S. official was murdered because he threatened to go public as to how the military’s test of poisonous gas killed the birds and fish in Arkansas.

    When it was first reported that 5,000 Blackbirds randomly fell from the sky, many thought it was the “sign of the times”. Later, thousands of fish were found dead. These occurrences seemed of Biblical proportions. However, according to the GRU, the deaths have a reasonable explanation which the former U.S. official was planning to expose.

    The report stated that the U.S. military was conducting tests using the poisonous gas, Phosgene, obtained from Iraq. The gas itself was being held at Pine Bluff Arsenal, which is in Arkansas. If you think back to the summer, Russia accused the U.S. of not destroyed all of the chemicals they seized from Iraq. (In time, this all should make sense). The gas, Phosgene, is highly dangerous, due to the fact that, if ingested, the victim’s lungs and respiratory system would explode. Knowing this information, the gas was injected into the ground and stored.

    Let’s fast forward to recently and begin to tie this together. Arkansas has had roughly 500 minor earthquakes, which is reportedly caused by the poisonous gas. The birds that died were removed by the U.S. Environmental Services using gas masks and body suits. Even though, the reason released for this was “for precautionary measures”. According to a U.S. report, the birds were also witnessed to have “trauma in the breast tissue, with blood clots in the body cavity, and a lot of internal bleeding”. These are all symptoms of someone or something ingesting Phosgene. With regard to the fish, GRU states that there was a spill of the poisonous gas in the river, which led to 100,000 fish dead.

    John P. Wheeler, III, the U.S. Official who “suddenly” died, knew this information, according to the GRU report. He went to the Pentagon to threaten Washington to stop with the testing or else he’d expose them. However, he never got the chance. With the validity of this report still in question, it does make one think of different scenarios. No one has been able to find out exactly “how” the birds died. It’s all speculation. No one seems to know “how” the U.S. Official died. It was quite random. What do you think? Is the government behind these unsolved mysteries or is this another conspiracy theory? Source: Gather

  13. Erik van Erne zegt:

    8 januari 2011 om 09:21 | Permalink

    After Mass Deaths of Birds and Fish Now Death Pigeons in Italy and Death Crabs in England

    After reports of mass deaths of birds and fish in places like the U.S., New Zealand, Brazil and Sweden, is now the turn of crabs and pigeons. The crabs are tens of thousands stranded in England. In Italy were then hundreds, perhaps thousands of dead pigeons. For those looking for something behind, the entertainment industry has a special website that shows where animals died en masse. Scientists argue that there is only one explanation for the rapid succession of strange, mass animal mortality: the Internet. The breakthrough of the Internet, those messages end up not in the news, they argue.

    Thanet Coast to the English: at least 40,000 dead crabs washed ashore in recent days. Why is like falling from the sky with the birds and dead fish washed up not immediately clear, but biologists do have a strong suspicion: the cold.

    In the Italian city of Faenza are again hundreds of dead pigeons fallen from the sky. The happened last week with birds in Arkansas (about 5,000) in Louisiana (500), Kentucky (500) and Sweden (50 to 100). There were also reports of massive fish deaths (millions of fish) to the coasts of Brazil, the U.S. (Chesapeake Bay) and New Zealand. In Italy there seems to be poison involved: the dead birds had a “mysterious bruise” in their mouths.

  14. Marv zegt:

    8 januari 2011 om 09:36 | Permalink

    Video Mass bird & fish die-off leaves science baffled

    Five thousand dead blackbirds rained from the sky on the first day of the New Year in Arkansas. Then more dead birds fell in other states. Then huge fish kills were discovered in multiple US waterways. And suddenly it became a worldwide phenomenon, with reports of mass die-offs of birds and fish in Sweden, Britain, Japan, Thailand, Brazil and beyond. Blogs connected the deadly dots, joking about the “aflockalypse” while others saw real signs of something sinister, either biblical or environmental. Religious bloggers loaded their sites with Bible verse, Hosea 4:1-3: “The land dries up, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea are swept away.” Wildlife disease specialists say the die-offs can be caused by disease or pollution, but at other times the cause remains a mystery. Dr Scott Wright of the USGS said that, with the cases in Arkansas, some sort of human activity could have “forced the birds off their night-time roost, which is abnormal for these species”. “We know from witness accounts that lots of folks heard very loud noises, repeatedly, noises on the order of something like commercial fireworks,” he said. “These same folks saw birds…flying low across the ground and smashing into their homes and cars and mailboxes and so forth.” Dr John Fischer, Director of the university’s Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study said all the birds seem to have suffered the same fate of “blunt force trauma”, caused by flying into large, inanimate objects.

  15. Erik van Erne zegt:

    8 januari 2011 om 09:38 | Permalink

    Two million fish found dead in Maryland: Cold Water Stress

    Authorities in Maryland are investigating the deaths of about 2 million fish in Chesapeake Bay. “Natural causes appear to be the reason,” the Maryland Department of the Environment said in a news release. “Cold water stress exacerbated by a large population of the affected species (juvenile spot fish) appears to be the cause of the kill.”

  16. Erik van Erne zegt:

    8 januari 2011 om 09:43 | Permalink

    Experts: Don’t Worry About Dead Birds

    Just a few days after 3,000 blackbirds fell from the sky in Arkansas, about 500 birds dropped to their death in Louisiana. But biologists say these types of die-offs happen all the time.

  17. Henri ( Vlissingen ) zegt:

    9 januari 2011 om 03:33 | Permalink

    Dode vogels en Vissen ?
    Ga er maar vanuit dat het niets ‘goddelijks’ is deze massale sterfte..
    Dit is ( bijna 100% zeker ) het gevolg van magnetische wapens en/of andere soort van elektronische puls-wapens..
    Men is bezig met het StarWars project in de ruimte en ik weet zeker dat het iets in die geest is..
    Van teveel magnetronstraling gaat je huisdier ook dood en als je vinger op telefoon antenne houd kun je m verbranden..
    Dat is de oorzaak van intern doodbloeden van vissen en vogels..

    Men heeft en ontwikkeld wapens waarvan niemand iets weet..
    Feit is, dat het menselijk oorzaak is!!!

  18. Erik van Erne zegt:

    11 januari 2011 om 18:28 | Permalink

    Birds Fall From Sky In California, Thousands Of Dead Fish Found In Chicago

    Over 100 birds were found dead along a California highway this past weekend, and thousands of dead fish were reported along Chicago’s lakefront prior to that. A smaller incident of around 30 dead birds was also reported in Missouri.

  19. Erik van Erne zegt:

    14 januari 2011 om 11:25 | Permalink

    Dead Birds Fall From Sky In Tanner, Alabama

    An estimated 300 dead birds have been found on the side of the I-65 highway in Alabama, WAFF News reports. According to wildlife biologist Bill Gates, the birds are grackles, a common black bird, one of the same species reported in the past weeks to have been found dead in mass quantities in other nearby states like Arkansas, Louisiana and Kentucky.

  20. Erik van Erne zegt:

    14 januari 2011 om 17:34 | Permalink

    Quick Guide to the Mass Animal Die-Off

  21. Erik van Erne zegt:

    26 januari 2011 om 23:03 | Permalink

    U.S. government commits avian holocaust with mass poisoning of millions of birds

    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is engaged in what can only be called an avian holocaust through its Bye Bye Blackbird program that has poisoned tens of millions of birds over the last decade. The USDA even reports the number of birds it has poisoned to death in a PDF document posted on the USDA website. Read more at Natural News

  22. Erik van Erne zegt:

    9 maart 2011 om 20:15 | Permalink

    California Kill: Million floating dead fish fill marina

    An estimated 1 million fish turned up dead on Tuesday in a Southern California marina, creating a floating feast for pelicans, gulls and other sea life and a stinky mess for harbour authorities. Boaters awakened to find a carpet of small silvery fish surrounding their vessels, said Staci Gabrielli, marine coordinator for King Harbor Marina on the Los Angeles County coast. Authorities said there was also a layer of up to 1.5 feet (0.46 metres) of dead fish on the bottom of the marina. All indications are that “this is unusual but a naturally occurring event,” said Andrew Hughan, a Fish and Game spokesman at the scene.

  23. Erik van Erne zegt:

    15 mei 2011 om 10:15 | Permalink

    Dead Fish In Lake Erie: Thousands Of Walleye Mysteriously Die

    Wildlife researchers want to know what’s killing thousands of walleye in Lake Erie that have been washing up on beaches along its western shore. It’s a big concern for anglers who come from across the Midwest and beyond to catch the lake’s most popular sport fish.

    The best guess is that the die-off can be blamed on natural causes stemming from the stress of spawning and the cold, stormy spring, said Roger Knight, Lake Erie fisheries program manager for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Source: Hufftington Post

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