Cutting The Line Documentary: Thousands Of Seals Injured Or Killed by Fishing LInes
Geschreven op 27-3-2022 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in NatuurThousands of seals are injured or killed by fishing lines and other plastic waste every year.
As they grow, this debris cuts deeper into their bodies, causing painful wounds that often condemn them to agonizing deaths.
Cutting the line can help put a stop to this! This feature-length documentary will expose the truth and tell the story of how one family and community are working to save these majestic animals from horrible suffering along the Skeleton Coast of Namibia.
Produced in partnership with Now Now Media, CUTTING THE LINE is beautifully shot and tells a highly engaging and important story. It’s a story driven by the amazing passion of the Dreyer family of Walvis Bay, Namibia, and the work being done by them and their team at Ocean Conservation Namibia. We need your help to make sure that this story gets produced and shared with the world. Our plan is to release it in 2022.
See also: A Plastic Wave: A documentary On Plastic Pollution by James Roberts - The Plastic Problem In The World: A PBS NewsHour Documentary - Short Film: True Life Story Of A Plastic Bag by Ramin Bahrani – TED Talks: The Life Cycle of a Plastic Bottle by Emma Bryce – – The Majestic Plastic Bag A Mockumentary – Plastic State of Mind: Parody with Purpose – Bag It The Movie: Is Your Life Too Plastic? – Trailer Plastic Planet - BioMaas Wint Young Plastic Pollution Challenge by Spronck En Plastic Soup Foundation
Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Plastic Soup and Plastic Planet – The Throwaway Mentality and The 5 Oceanic Gyres – We Beat The Mountain: We Use Your Trash for Cool Products – From Oil to Plastic and from Plastic back to Oil: The Magic Box by Akinori Ito – Electrolux Vac from The Sea: Made from Collected Ocean Plastic – The Corona Save the Beach Hotel in Rome: Made from Trash by German Artist HA Shult – Recycled Island: Cleaning our Oceans and Creating a Floating City – Plastic Soep by Jesse Goossens
The Ocean Cleanup: How We Showed the Oceans Could Clean Themselves - TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch: Living a Sustainable Life by Ed Begley Jr – TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch: The Economic Injustice of Plastic by Van Jones – TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch: The Ocean is Connected to Everything by Dr. Sylvia Earle –TEDxGreatPacificGarbagePatch: Tackling Our Nature Deficiency Disorder by David deRotschild – Can We Save Our Oceans from Plastic and Remove the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by CNN Eco Solutions – A Plastic Ocean: The Request? Rethink Plastic – The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Explained by The Ocean Cleanup– The Interceptor: Plan To Intercept Plastic in Rivers by The Ocean Clean Up
The Plastiki Expedition by David de Rothschild – The House of Plastic: Prefab Homes made of Plastic Garbage – From Oil to Plastic and from Plastic back to Oil: The Magic Box by Akinori Ito – The Plastiki Expedition by David de Rothschild: On National Geographic Channel – Plastic Whale – EU-Commissaris Maria Damanaki Wil Op Plastic Gaan Vissen in de Middellandse Zee – Pacific Garbage Screening (PGS): De Kam Om De Oceanen Schoon Te Maken