Your photos on the BIG screens at Times Square in New York City
Geschreven op 12-10-2009 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Communicatie, KlimaatThe team has secured permission to display the 350 photos from around the world on the MASSIVE screens in the heart of New York City, with global media standing by to broadcast the story worldwide!
That means that your photo can appear 30 feet (about 10 meters!) tall for the world to see. We’ve always said that we want to inject this number deep into the information consciousness of the planet, and Times Square is about as close to the the mainstream as you can get. The photos from the big day will all have the number 350 depicted in them somehow, and will act as a huge visual petition that we’ll send to world leaders. On the Monday after October 24th, the crew will be visiting UN headquarters to hand-deliver the photos to diplomats and delegates the world over.
International Day of Climate Action 2009 - International Day of Climate Action 2009: Nederlandse site online
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