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Anders Bekeken

World Environment Day 2009 - WED 2009: The movie HOME en Gucci HOME T-shirt and bag

Geschreven op 3-5-2009 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Agenda, Klimaat Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

gucci-tee-home.jpg25 november 2021: Sweden To Host 50th World Environment Day 2022 – WED 2022: Only One Earth by UNEP

31 May 2019: World Environmental Day 2019 WED 2019: Beat Air Pollution #BeatAirPollution

Inmiddels is ook Gucci aangeschoven als groot supporter van HOME. Men komt met een heus HOME T-shirt en een HOME-tas.

3 mei 2009: Google ziet het helemaal zitten met You Tube en na het You Tube Symphony Orchester is het binnenkort tijd voor wat anders. De eerste film van 90 miniten lengte die exclusief op You Tube te zien is. Luc Besson en Yann-Arthus Betrand klimaatfilm home.bmpHOME is vanaf 5 juni te zien op You Tube.

De film komt gelijk in vier talen beschikbaar: Engels, Frans, Duits en Spaans. Op dit moment is er al een hele serie video’s beschikbaar in verschillende talen van de Making of Home. En u kunt alvast even genieten van de trailer.

De premiëre van de film is op World Environmental Day 2009.

See also: World Environmental Day 2016 – WED 2016: The Fight Against the Illigal Wildlife TradeWorld Environmental Day 2015 – WED 2015: Seven Billion Dreams, One Planet, Consume with Care - World Environmental Day 2014 – WED 2014: Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level - World Environmental Day 2013 – WED 2013: Think, Eat, Save - World Environmental Day 2012 – WED 2012: Green Economy, Does it include YOU? - World Environmental Day 2011 – WED 2011: Forests: Nature At Your ServiceWorld Environment Day 2010 – WED 2010: Many Species. One Planet. One FutureWorld Environment Day 2009 – WED 2009: The movie HOME en Gucci HOME T-shirt and bagWorld Environment Day 2008 – WED 2008: Kick the Habit !Make this heartbreaking video go around the world


Één Reactie

  1. Erik van Erne zegt:

    5 juli 2010 om 21:34 | Permalink

    Chinese actress Zhou Xun and Yann Arthus Bertrand Launch Chinese Version of HOME

    Chinese actress Zhou Xun and French film director Yann Arthus-Bertrand on Monday 5th July launched the premiere of the Chinese version of HOME at the Shanghai Expo. The Chinese version of HOME has been dubbed by Zhou Xun, one of China’s leading actresses and a highly recognized environmental advocate. She was named a UNDP Goodwill Ambassador for China in 2008, with a special focus of promoting environmental sustainability, won UNEP’s Champion of the Earth award this year and is the Green Ambassador for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

    The film depicts how humans have disrupted the fragile balance on which the Earth has existed for four billion years. Global warming, a shortage of resources and endangered species are threatening the very existence of human beings. By the end of the century, the film predicts, current consumption patterns will have exhausted almost all the Earth’s natural resources and only changing the way humans live can reverse the trend.

    Said Zhou Xun: “I suggest people take the nearly 100 minutes to watch this film called HOME. Let us pay more attention to this crisis that might happen on this Earth in the future.” Source: UNEP

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