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Anders Bekeken

The Under2 Coalition: Governments Committed To Keep Temperature Rise Under 2 Degrees

Geschreven op 6-3-2019 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Klimaat Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

The Under2 Coalition is driven by a group of ambitious state and regional governments committed to keeping global temperature rises to well below 2°C.

The coalition is made up of more than 220 governments who represent over 1.3 billion people and 43% of the global economy.

Deep decarbonization pathway planning: supporting governments to develop robust medium and long-term (2050) emissions reduction plans in line with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Scaling innovative policy solutions: spreading today’s best climate policies and developing new policies to ensure full decarbonization.

Mainstreaming transparency: supporting governments so they have the expertise and systems in place to assess their emissions accurately, track progress and ensure policies remain fit for delivering against climate targets.

The Climate Group is the Secretariat to the Under2 Coalition and works with governments to accelerate climate action through three workstreams.

See also: The RE100: World’s Most Influential Companies Are Going for 100% Renewable Energy - The EP100: World’s Most Influential Businesses Are Going to Double Their Energy Productivity - The EV100: World’s Biggest Multinationals Are Going to Speed Up Use of Electric Vehicles

2 Reacties

  1. Erik van Erne zegt:

    22 september 2021 om 16:05 | Permalink

    The Under2 Coalition: 5 years after the Paris Agreement

  2. Erik van Erne zegt:

    7 november 2021 om 13:18 | Permalink

    Under2 Coalition General Assembly

    The Under2 Coalition General Assembly comes at a pivotal time. We are now firmly in the Climate Decade and are seeing first-hand the devastating impacts of climate change, from widespread flooding events to news that the Amazon rainforest now emits more carbon dioxide than it stores.

    Across the world, as the impacts of a changing climate are being felt, those living in low-income countries are at least four times more likely to be displaced by extreme weather compared to their counterparts in advanced economies. This is now an emergency and we have to act, fast.

    At the same time, the opportunities associated with the benefits of acting on climate - creating new jobs, and the clean and healthy communities of the future - are bigger than ever. The cost of inaction, too high.

    The Under2 Coalition General Assembly, and COP26, will serve as an ideal moment for subnational governments to be heard on climate change. It is a unique opportunity not only to share your knowledge and first-hand experience but to show the ambitious laws and policies you have implemented and to challenge the international community to play its part.

    During this year’s General Assembly on Sunday 7th November, Under2 Coalition states and regions will showcase their plans for urgent 2030 action, building up from their efforts on green recovery. It will be attended by Governors, Premiers and Ministers of the Coalition either in person, or virtually. As per usual, there will also be a meeting of the Under2 Coalition Steering Group shortly before the formal start of the General Assembly. Our five regional co-chairs will then then lead discussions with all members, supported by the Secretariat team at the Climate Group.

    This year, the Under2 Coalition General Assembly will aim to: Demonstrate a critical mass of high ambition states and regions (Net Zero Leaders) committed to action as part of the Under2 Coalition’s Net Zero Futures Initiative as well as in line with the new climate leadership MOU. Set the 2030 agenda for transformative climate action, starting with setting strong objectives for action in 2022, and ahead of COP27. Convene the global Under2 Coalition community to assess key opportunities and needs of states and regionals across the world.

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