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Anders Bekeken

The Global Climate Crisis: Extreme Weather, Rising Sea, Devastating Floods by DW Documentary

Geschreven op 6-10-2021 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Klimaat Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

Extreme weather is occurring more frequently worldwide. Rising sea levels and heavy rain are causing devastating floods.

Most researchers agree that these are the consequences of climate change. But what can we do to protect ourselves? In July 2021, the Ahr Valley in western Germany was hit by a flash flood after heavy rainfall.

Over 100 people were killed, thousands of homes were severely damaged. Experts are calling it the ‘flood of the century’. Yet extreme weather events such as the Ahr Valley floods have become more frequent in recent years - not only in Germany but worldwide. Mozambique has been hit by devastating cyclones for the third year running.

In Bangladesh, the monsoon season has become heavier and more unpredictable due to climate change. More and more land has been flooded as a result. At the same time, heavy storms that cause flooding and rising sea levels threaten the south of the country. Experts estimate that 30 per cent of Bangladesh will be permanently flooded in a few years, making millions of people climate refugees.

Wealthy countries such as Germany are now investing billions in the battle against the floods. The Netherlands have long pioneered in flood management, building powerful pumping stations, ever higher dikes and flood barriers. None of these options are available to poor countries. All they can do, along with improving early flood warning systems, is to resettle the people affected.

The film ‘Global Climate Crisis - How to Tackle the floods?’ shows the unequal fight against the consequences of climate change with examples from Germany, the Netherlands, Bangladesh, and Mozambique.

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