The Basics of Climate Change: Climate 101 with Bill Nye, the Science Guy
Geschreven op 15-7-2017 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in KlimaatTake Climate 101 with Bill Nye, the Science Guy and you’ll be schooled in the scientific fundamentals of climate change in under 5 minutes. Separate fact from fiction, and we can end the debate and denial and move on to solutions, together.
Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that man-made climate change is a reality. We know it’s happening, and we know why: carbon pollution is warming our planet and creating dirty weather like extreme droughts, flooding, wildfires, and superstorms. And we’re all paying the price for it in lives, livelihoods, food and water scarcity, and in every way imaginable.
What can we do? Reduce carbon pollution. Right now, scientists tell us that we’re on track to see global temperatures rise up to 4°C by the end of the century, with a shift to a clean-energy economy, we can still create the sustainable and prosperous future we all want. But we have to act now. read more at Climate Reality
See also: An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power by Al Gore -An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore: Full Movie – An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore – Bill Nye Destroys Climate Change Denying Trump Adviser William Happer –The Age of Stupid Full Movie: Why Didn’t We Stop Climate Change When We Had the Chance? - Hurricanes and Climate Change: Climate Change Intensifies Hurricanes by Hunter Cutting
Erik van Erne zegt:
15 juli 2017 om 15:16 | Permalink
Bill Nye Destroys Climate Change Denying Trump Adviser William Happer
Appearing on CNN’s New Day, prior to Saturday’s Science March in Washington, D.C., “Science Guy” Bill Nye delivered a stern lecture to a climate-denying science adviser to President Donald Trump while also scolding CNN for having the man on.
Host Victor Blackwell began by introducing physicist William Happer, who has advised Trump on the environment, and who attempted to explain to the CNN audience that climate change is a “myth” and that the world is actually getting “greener.”
“There’s this myth that’s developed around carbon dioxide that it’s a pollutant, but you and I both exhale carbon dioxide with every breath. Each of us emits about two pounds of carbon dioxide a day, so are we polluting the planet?” Happer explained. “Carbon dioxide is a perfectly natural gas, it’s just like water vapor, it’s something that plants love. They grow better with more carbon dioxide, and you can see the greening of the earth already from the additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.”
Asked to respond, Nye seemed exasperated from the start.
“What he claims to not understand is the rate. it’s the speed at which we’re adding carbon dioxide,” Nye began. “And I will say, much as I love the CNN, you’re doing a disservice by having one climate change skeptic and not 97 or 98 scientists or engineers concerned about climate change.”
See also: Hurricanes and Climate Change: Climate Change Intensifies Hurricanes by Hunter Cutting
Guy zegt:
23 juli 2017 om 14:42 | Permalink
Future of Climate Change: Bill Nye Says Deniers Will Die Out
The people of the world will fully come to accept climate change as real, according to Bill Nye—just as soon as the deniers are no longer of this Earth.
Erik van Erne zegt:
29 augustus 2017 om 19:12 | Permalink
Causes and Effects of Climate Change by National Geographic
What causes climate change (also known as global warming)? And what are the effects of climate change? Learn the human impact and consequences of climate change for the environment, and our lives.
Erik van Erne zegt:
19 september 2019 om 16:06 | Permalink
Bill Nye Explains Global Warming while Cursing