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Anders Bekeken

International Day of Climate Action 2010: Get to Work 10-10-10

Geschreven op 11-4-2010 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Agenda, Communicatie, Klimaat Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail


Mooi hoor. We gaan weer aan het werk.

Dat is het bericht van Bill McKibben van dé organisatie die zich inzet voor een drastische aanpak van de klimaatproblemen en met name een enorme CO2 reductie.

Dé datum voor dit jaar wordt zondag 10 oktober 2010 en dat sluit natuurlijk weer mooi aan bij 10:10.

Uiteraard ondersteunen wij ook dit jaar de acties van met wat Climate Action Communication Waves

Zie ook: De Klimaatbeweging 10:10, doe mee en bespaar 10% CO2-uitstoot in 2010 - 2010: Het Jaar van de Energiebesparing - Climate Art: Slideshow 350 eARTh A Movement Visible from Outer Space

Hieronder nog even de oproep van om dit jaar mee te doen aan de internationale klimaatactie van 2010: Last year, thanks to many of you, we built up enormous momentum for climate solutions.

The global day of rallies you pulled off on October 24th turned out to “the most widespread day of political action in the planet’s history,” according to CNN, with 5200 actions in 181 countries.

And in Copenhagen that translated into 117 countries-most of the world’s nations-supporting a tough 350 target. But it didn’t translate into political victory. The biggest polluters wouldn’t go along. So we still have work to do. In fact, our slogan for 2010 is “Get To Work.” Get to work to start changing our communities, and get to work to make our leaders realize that they actually need to lead. We’ve sifted through thousands of your emails from all over the world, and come up with an action plan for this year that we think may break the logjam and get us moving. But only, of course, if we act together to make it happen.

The first date to mark on your calendar: October 10 2010. Working with our friends at the 10:10 campaign, we’re going to make the tenth day of the tenth month of the millennium’s tenth year a real starting point for concrete action. We’re calling it the 10/10 Global Work Party, and in every corner of the world we hope communities will put up solar panels, insulate homes, erect windmills, plant trees, paint bikepaths, launch or harvest local gardens. We’ll make sure the world sees this huge day of effort-and we’ll use it to send a simple message to our leaders: “We’re working-what about you? If we can cover the roof of the school with solar panels, surely you can pass the legislation or sign the treaty that will spread our work everywhere, and confront the climate crisis in time.” 10/10/10 will take a snapshot of a clean energy future — the world of 350 ppm — and show people why it’s worth fighting for. It’s not too early to sign up here:

10-10-10Every nation is not created equal in this climate crisis, of course. If we can’t get the biggest polluters and the biggest economies to change, then we’ll never win. So we’re going to focus some particular attention on China, the United States, and India with a Great Power Race-college and university campuses will compete to see who can come up with the most, and the most creative, climate solutions. We hope friendly competition will help governments see that they have a lot to gain by diving into clean energy-and a lot to lose by missing this opportunity.

And we’ll keep figuring out ways to apply political pressure where it counts-in the U.S. Senate, say, where we’re joining a group of our best allies in backing the proposed Cap-and-Dividend approach that would stop letting big polluters pour carbon into the sky for free. In other parts of the world, we’ll hold more of the climate leadership workshops that produced so many great leaders last year.

And as the next UN conference approaches in Mexico in December, we’ll stage the largest piece of public art in the planet’s history-a reminder that we have to bring passion to bear along with science and economics if we’re going to move this process.

We know, from the calls and emails we’ve been getting, that people all over the world are ready to go to work. We think this plan can increase the odds of real action. We know that we have no choice. When, years down the road, the next generation asks what we did to save the planet, we want to be able to say: “We rolled up our sleeves and got to work.” There’s no guarantee we can beat the rich and powerful interests that we’re up against-but thanks to you we’ve got enough momentum to have a real chance. Let’s use it now. Bill McKibben and the Team

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6 Reacties

  1. Erik van Erne zegt:

    3 juli 2010 om 21:29 | Permalink

    Getting to work: 10 Suggestions for Effective Activism by

    Effective activism’s a long-haul process, not “save the earth in 30 days, ask me how.” But there are some principles that seem to reoccur for people addressing every kind of challenge from the Gulf Oil spill to inadequate funding for urban schools to how to deal with the Afghanistan war. When I was updating my Soul of a Citizen book on citizen activism, an activist rabbi who was teaching the book at a Florida university suggested I gather together the Ten Commandments for effective citizen engagement. Calling them Commandments seemed a bit presumptuous, but I did draw together ten suggestions that can make engagement more fruitful. Some I’ve already explored in various Soul of a Citizen excerpts, many of which I’ve linked to below, woven into my suggestions. I’ll explore others in coming weeks, but pulling them together in one place seemed useful.
    Suggestion #1: Start where you are. You don’t need to know everything, and you certainly don’t need to be perfect. You want to make sure you’re acting on accurate information, but you don’t need to know the answer to every conceivable question, and you don’t need to be as eloquent as Martin Luther King or saintly as Gandhi, particularly since even our greatest historical figures had their hesitations, failures, and doubts.
    Suggestion #2: Take things step by step. You set the pace of your engagement. Don’t worry about being swallowed up, because you’ll determine how much you get involved, and in what ways.
    Suggestion #3: Build supportive community. You can accomplish far more with even a small group of good people than you can alone. Isolation breeds cynicism and despair. Engaged community helps sow the seeds of hope.
    Suggestion #4: Be strategic. Ask what you’re trying to accomplish, where you can find allies, and how to best communicate the urgencies you feel. You don’t need to have every answer, but you want to think through your actions as best you can.
    Suggestion #5: Enlist the uninvolved. They have their own fears and doubts, so they won’t participate automatically; you have to work actively to engage them. And sometimes they come from very unlikely places. But if you do, there’s no telling what they’ll go on to achieve.
    Suggestion #6: Seek out unlikely allies. The more you widen the circle, the more you’ll have a chance of breaking through the entrenched barriers to change. Internet Neutrality, for instance, was mostly saved by an unlikely alliance between the liberal group MoveOn and the highly conservative Christian Coalition.
    Suggestion #7: Persevere. Change most often takes time. The longer you continue working, the more you’ll accomplish. If Rosa Parks had given up in year ten of her 12-year journey from her first NAACP meeting to her famed stand on the bus we’d never have heard of her.
    Suggestion #8: Savor the journey. Changing the world shouldn’t be grim work. Take time to enjoy nature, good music, good conversation, and whatever else lifts your soul. Savor the company of good people working for change
    Suggestion #9: Think large. Don’t be afraid to tackle the deepest-rooted injustices, and to tackle them on a national or global scale. Remember that many small actions can shift the course of history. It’s tempting just to focus on areas where we can make a personal one-on-one difference, but it’s even more powerful if we can tackle the roots of the issues we take on.
    Suggestion #10: Listen to your heart. It’s why you’re involved to begin with. It’s what will keep you going. And never forget to tell and retell the stories that go to the heart of why you act and will help you keep on.

  2. Erik van Erne zegt:

    2 oktober 2010 om 13:53 | Permalink

    10-10-10 Global Work Party by

    On the 10th of October, in every corner of the globe, we will implement solutions to the climate crisis: from solar panels to community gardens, wind turbines to bike workshops. We’ll tell leaders: “We’re getting to work-what about you?”

  3. Erik van Erne zegt:

    9 oktober 2010 om 15:46 | Permalink

    10-10-10: 7,176 Events Planned in 188 Countries

    NGOs and ordinary citizens around the world plan to help raise awareness on the problems caused by climate change and urge governments to adopt policies to combat the phenomenon, with more than 7,000 activities in 188 countries on Sunday.

    The international grassroots climate campaign invited civil society across the planet to register events on its web site for “A Day to Celebrate Climate Solutions”. Last year, over 5,200 actions were organised in 181 countries, on Oct. 24.

    Bill McKibben behind-the-scenes 10/10/10

    “We’re getting to work — what about you?” is this year’s message to the political leaders who will meet Nov. 29 to Dec. 10 at the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Cancun, Mexico.

  4. Erik van Erne zegt:

    10 oktober 2010 om 09:13 | Permalink

    10-10-10: Australia, Pacific kick off global climate action

    With tree plantings in Australia’s biggest city Sydney and gardening near its iconic Bondi Beach, hundreds took part Sunday in what organisers say will be the world’s biggest day of climate change action.

    The 10/10/10 event known as the “Global Work Party” kicked off in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific and is set to spin its way across the globe via more than 7,000 community events in 188 countries. “The only countries that aren’t taking part, we think, are Equatorial Guinea, San Marino, North Korea so it’s clearly the most widespread day of environmental action,” co-founder of the campaign Bill McKibben said.

  5. Erik van Erne zegt:

    11 oktober 2010 om 13:23 | Permalink

    10/10/10 Global Work Party - early highlights

  6. Erik van Erne zegt:

    13 oktober 2010 om 00:20 | Permalink

    10/10/10 - We Got to Work!

    On 10/10/10, people at 7347 events in 188 countries got to work on the climate crisis. We joined together to dig community gardens, install solar panels, plant trees and more. We’re sending a clear message to our political leaders: “if we can get to work, so can you!”

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