GHGT-10 2010: The 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Geschreven op 10-9-2010 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Agenda, KlimaatThe organising committee (OC) of the 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, 19th-23rd September 2010, RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands invites you. The 2010 GHGT-10 is intended to provide a platform for fruitful discussions on ways to overcome the barriers to - and to find opportunities for – implementing greenhouse gas mitigation technologies.
Discussions about technological and other policy-related developments will play a prominent role in the conference. The Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT) conference series was formed in 1997 following the merger of the earlier series of International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal (ICCDR) and the Greenhouse Gas Mitigation options conference. IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG) are the guardians of the GHGT conferences which are held every two years. The conference series rotates between, North America, Europe and Asia.
OC Chairman, Chris Hendriks, predicts that the 2010 conference will come at a time when carbon capture and storage is high on the political agenda: “crucial decisions will have to be made about CO2 capture and storage (CCS). The conference will have a significant role in helping shape global policy on this issue.” Source: CHGT-10
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