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Anders Bekeken

The Trillion Tree Campaign: New Target 1,3 Trillion Trees by Plant for the Planet Foundation

Geschreven op 9-3-2008 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Int. Samenwerking, Klimaat, Natuur Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

Plant for the PlanetUpdate 24 september 2021: De beroemde primatologe en National Geographic-onderzoekster Jane Goodall heeft gisteren het startsein gegeven voor haar organisatie ‘Trees for Jane’, waarmee ze zich aansluit bij de internationale campagne om de klimaatverandering tegen te gaan door vóór het jaar 2030 een biljoen (duizend miljard) bomen te planten.

Volgens Goodall is het planten van bomen slechts één aspect van Trees for Jane en is er nog iets belangrijkers dan dat. “Het is van het grootste belang om de bestaande bossen op aarde te beschermen, want die bomen hebben al grote hoeveelheden CO2 opgeslagen,”

Trees for Jane behoort tot een groeiend aantal campagnes voor het planten van bomen, die overal ter wereld worden opgezet en zijn bedoeld om broeikasgassen uit de atmosfeer te filteren. De nieuwe organisatie van Goodall voegt zich bij de Trillion Tree Campaign en, die door het World Economic Forum worden ondersteund en met Trees for Jane gaan samenwerken.

In de korte documentaire A Trillion Trees, die deze week – de ‘Actieweek voor het Klimaat’ van de VN – zal uitkomen, noemt Goodall bomen “Gods geschenk aan de mensheid.” Het aantal bomen dat organisaties als de Trillion Trees Campaign, en Trees for Jane willen planten of behouden, is verbijsterend: 128 bomen per inwoner op aarde.

21 March 2018: Tom Crowther once helped us children and youth to answer a question that no scientist around the world could answer us: How many trees are growing on the earth? Tom “counted” the trees.

Since then, he did a lot of research on trees and how they help to capture carbon. Today, he leads the Crowther Lab at the ETH Zurich.

Tom gave a fascinating insight in his work on March, 9th, when he spoke at PlantAhead, the kick-off event of the Trillion Tree Campaign.

It took place on March 9, 2018 in the Grimaldi Forum, Monaco. It’s the first time children and youth invite the most influential people to meet a young generation of Climate Justice Ambassadors. Together, we accelerate the transformation processes towards a more sustainable and better world.

Plant-for-the-Planet is a global children and youth initiative with over 67,000 members in 66 countries. As Climate Justice Ambassadors, these children and youths give speeches to adults, pressure them to act and fight for their future. See also: The Trillion Tree Campaign: Plant Your Trees

19 August 2017: Today, the website registers over 15,206,201,521 trees planted. As a sign of hope, Plant for the Planet is honored by receiving the Hero Award and will continue to motivate people all over the world to plant trees together - peacefully, as a family of world citizens.

21 September 2015: The Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign has been an inspiration for millions of people concerned about climate change and wider environmental challenges. The United Nations Environment Programme appreciates and applauds all those who have taken part since its launch in 2006 and contributed to a series of milestones. Today, the website registers over 12 billion planted trees in 193 countries - that is quite an achievement.

After several extensions, and as the campaign became self-propagating, UNEP felt that the time was ripe to hand over the campaign to the next generation via the Plant for the Planet Foundation. The new target set by the Plant for the Planet Foundation is 18 billion trees planted in 2020. On the treecounter you can see how it’s going.

When you hear deforestation, you might think Brazil. It’s a fair association: Over the past four decades, upwards of 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest has been cut down. But Brazil also boasts a relative success story, having reduced deforestation in the Amazon by 70 percent over the past ten years. Instead, new data from a collaboration between Google and the University of Maryland illustrate unprecedented — and until now, largely overlooked — forest loss in Southeast Asia and West Africa, among other hotspots.

The collaboration between the tech behemoth and the Maryland researchers expands the scope of Global Forest Watch, a satellite-driven mapping tool that tracks deforestation around the globe. The new satellite analyses are surprising to many and demonstrate the continuing need for rigorous forest monitoring outside regions of traditional deforestation concern.

See also: The Canopy Project: Planting Millions of Trees for A Billion Acts of Green - Humankind has Destroyed Half of all Forests: How Many Trees Are There in the World? - Drones Planting 1 Million Trees in the Irrawaddy River Delta in Myanmar by BioCarbon Engineering - Humankind has Destroyed Half of all Forests: How Many Trees Are There in the World? - Climate Tours in Google Earth: A Voice for Trees, by Wangari Maathai - Climate Tours in Google Earth: Mangroves of Mexico by CONABIO

plant-logo_nl_outlined.gifUpdate 13 februari 2011: Het gaat fantastisch goed. Inmiddels zijn er bijna 12 miljard bomen aangeplant. Hoog tijd om het doel naar boven bij te stellen naar 13 miljard bomen. Als we even naar de cijfers kijken, kan het niet lang meer duren duren voor er een nieuw doel wordt gesteld.

Waar al die bomen zijn aangeplant, kunt u even bekijken op deze wereldkaart. In Nederland gaat het langzaam. Officieel staan er inmiddels 622.539 bomen die zijn aangeplant, geregistreerd. In België gaat het een stuk beter. Daar staat de teller inmiddels op 1,571,315. Zie ook: Zes miljoen Vlamingen gaan voor 1 miljoen bomen

BillionTree22 april 2010: Mooi moment op Earth Day om eens even te kijken hoe het met de campagne gaat om heel veel bomen aan te planten.

Geweldig. Het nieuwe doel is 12 miljard bomen aanplanten. Inmiddels zijn er al ruim 10 miljard nieuwe bomen neergezet.

million trees

13 oktober 2009: Gehaald. De doelstelling voor eind 2009 is al bereikt. Er zijn bijna 7,5 miljard bomen aangeplant. Overigens zijn er nog wat aanplant programma’s aan de gang en als die voltooid zijn staat de teller op ruim 9 miljard bomen, die in het kader vande UNEP campagne helpen om ons klimaat te verbeteren.

Vanuit Nederland zijn inmiddels 600.937 bomen aangemeld die zijn geplant. Daarmee zijn we België voorbij. Daar staat de teller op 527.964 bomen. Onze bijdrage aan dit UNEP project blijft daarmee zeer bescheiden, maar dat maakt het succes niet minder. In twee jaar tijd zoveel bomen aanplanten is een prestatie van wereldformaat. Hulde. Ben dan ook benieuwd of de UNEP voor 2010 een nieuw target gaat vastleggen. Lijkt mij een hele goede zaak om gewoon door te gaan met bomen aanplanten.

7 billion trees9 december 2008: Zo, het vorige doel is alweer gehaald en na stap, stap komt nu de sprong. De eerste miljard bomen stonden er zo, de tweede miljard bomen bleek ook een peuleschil want de teller staat nu alweer een knap stuk hoger. Dus tijd voor een sprong.

Hup, op naar de nieuwe bomen in de wereld. Geweldig en ik denk dat ook dit doel al heel snel wordt gehaald. De teller staat alweer boven de 2,5 miljard aangeplante bomen en als we zien wat er de komende tijd nog bij wordt gezet dan is het nog slechts een kwestie van eeven een schepje er bovenop voor die laatste 3 miljard bomen. Het blijft opvallend dat er vanuit Nederland slechts 937 staan geregistreerd. België doet het een heel stuk beter met 91.104 bomen. Bron: UNEP

9 maart 2008: Kijk dat zijn nog eens doelen waar ik warm voor loop. Het plan is simpel. Laten we dit 7 billion trees-NLjaar doorgaan op de eerder ingeslagen weg en in 2008 wereldwijd bomen gaan aanplanten. Geenzins een loze doelstelling want al eerder maakte de UNEP bekend dat er 1 miljard bomen waren aangeplant. De teller nadert inmiddels met rasse schreden de 2 miljard bomen die echt zijn aangeplant. Opvallend is dat Nederland er slechts 924 voor zijn rekening neemt.

Dat komt vooral omdat alle Klimaatbosjes in ons land niet zijn aangemeld. Ook zijn er geen gegevens te vinden van de vele aanbieders van CO2 compensatieprojecten door de aanplant van bomen. Waarom die niet zijn aangemeld is mij onduidelijk. Heeft u recent nog wat bomen geplant of laten planten dan kunt u die met een simpele aanmelding van slechts enkele minuten in het overzicht laten opnemen.

Zou wel fijn zijn als iedereen dat even doet. Bungelen we als Nederland niet langer helemaal onderaan dit lijstje. Bron: UNEP

28 Reacties

  1. Treecounter zegt:

    18 januari 2009 om 14:58 | Permalink

    Peru Planting 512,820 Trees a Day to Fight Climate Change

    Peru’s Ministry of Agriculture has launched an ambitious project. The goal: plant 40 million trees in 3 months to help deter the effects of climate change.

  2. Erik van Erne zegt:

    7 juli 2010 om 14:15 | Permalink

    China plants green belt to stop deserts merging

    China has just kicked off an ambitious project to plant a green belt between the country’s third and fourth largest deserts to stop them converging, said a forestry official in northern Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

    “It’s the first time in China that a green belt is being planted between two deserts. The project is expected to take five years to plant a 202-km long and 5- to 15-km wide stripe of vegetation between Badain Jaran Desert and Tengger Desert,” said Wang Xiaodong, a forestry official in Araxan League. Read more at China Daily

  3. Erik van Erne zegt:

    21 september 2015 om 13:07 | Permalink

    Honoring the life and work of Professor Wangari Maathai

    To commemorate and honor the life and work of Professor Wangari Maathai, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) opened Forest Day 5, one of the most intensive and influential annual global events on forests, with a short video about the Nobel Peace Laureate.

  4. Erik van Erne zegt:

    27 juli 2017 om 13:42 | Permalink

    These are the cities with the most trees in the world

  5. Erik van Erne zegt:

    21 maart 2018 om 11:42 | Permalink

    The Trillion Tree Campaign: Plant Your Trees

    Paulina presents the Trillion Tree Campaign with its website and applications coming soon. PlantAhead is the launch of the Trillion Tree Campaign. It took place on March 9, 2018 in the Grimaldi Forum, Monaco.

    It’s the first time children and youth invite the most influential people to meet a young generation of Climate Justice Ambassadors. Together, we accelerate the transformation processes towards a more sustainable and better world.

    Plant-for-the-Planet is a global children and youth initiative with over 67,000 members in 66 countries. As Climate Justice Ambassadors, these children and youths give speeches to adults, pressure them to act and fight for their future.

  6. Erik van Erne zegt:

    26 augustus 2018 om 16:46 | Permalink

    Pakistan Is Planting More Than A Billion Trees

  7. Erik van Erne zegt:

    7 januari 2019 om 15:44 | Permalink

    Pakistan is planting 10 billion trees

  8. Erik van Erne zegt:

    9 januari 2019 om 17:20 | Permalink

    BAM Plant 150.000 Bomen Ter Gelegenheid Van 150ste Verjaardag

    In 2019 bestaat de BAM Groep 150 jaar. Om het commitment van de groep aan duurzaamheid te onderstrepen, plant de Europese bouwonderneming in dit jubileumjaar 150.000 bomen.

    Voor het planten van de bomen is BAM een samenwerking aangegaan met Trees for All. Trees for All plant circa 100.000 bomen op herbebossingsprojecten in Bolivia en Oeganda. Daarnaast worden 50.000 bomen geplant in de diverse Europese landen waar BAM actief is.

  9. Erik van Erne zegt:

    18 februari 2019 om 17:09 | Permalink

    China reassigns 60,000 soldiers to plant trees in bid to fight pollution

    China has reportedly reassigned over 60,000 soldiers to plant trees in a bid to combat pollution by increasing the country’s forest coverage. A large regiment from the People’s Liberation Army, along with some of the nation’s armed police force, have been withdrawn from their posts on the northern border to work on non-military tasks inland.

    It comes as part of China’s plan to plant at least 84,000 square kilometres (32,400 square miles) of trees by the end of the year, which is roughly equivalent to the size of Ireland. The aim is to increase the country’s forest coverage from 21 per cent of its total landmass to 23 per cent by 2020. Zhang Jianlong, head of China’s State Forestry Administration, said by 2035 the figure could reach as high as 26 per cent.

  10. Erik van Erne zegt:

    22 april 2019 om 17:16 | Permalink

    How Akipay Users Planted 100 Million Trees In China

    As the world celebrates Earth Day, payments and lifestyle app Alipay announced that half a billion of its users helped to plant millions of trees across China as part of a program aimed at getting China to go green.

    More than 500 million users of Alipay’s mini-program, “Ant Forest,” that lives within the app are rewarded for making small, environmentally friendly decisions in their daily lives through “green energy” points, and those points can be redeemed to plant trees in areas of the country in need of vegetation.

    So far, 100 million real trees, covering a total area of 933 square kilometers, have been planted — roughly the size of 130,000 soccer fields.

  11. Erik van Erne zegt:

    15 juni 2019 om 17:30 | Permalink

    Scotland Plants 22 Million Trees To Tackle Climate Crisis

    Twenty-two million trees were planted in Scotland last year as part of a push to tackle the “global climate emergency”, official figures show. A total of 11,200 hectares of Scottish countryside were covered – well exceeding the current annual target of 10,000 hectares, according to government statistics.

    The number of trees planted in Scotland now represents 84 per cent of the UK total. Increasing the number of trees being planted is part of the country’s efforts to tackle climate change, with a target of 15,000 hectares a year set to be in place from 2024-25.

  12. Erik van Erne zegt:

    6 juli 2019 om 17:02 | Permalink

    India Plant 66 Miljoen Bomen In 12 Uur

    India heeft deze week haar eigen wereldrecord verpulverd. In twaalf uur tijd werden maar liefst 66 miljoen bomen aangeplant. Meer dan anderhalf miljoen vrijwilligers hebben afgelopen zondag 7 juli 2019 tussen 07.00 uur ’s ochtends en 07.00 uur ’s avonds zo’n 66 miljoen bomen geplant in Madhya Pradesh, een deelstaat in centraal India.

    India verbetert op die manier het eigen wereldrecord uit 2016. Toen werden maar liefst 49,3 miljoen jonge boompjes geplant in 24 uur tijd in Uttar Pradesh (in het noorden van India) . Het nieuwe record moet wel nog erkend worden door Guiness World Records. Binnen enkele weken wordt het resultaat van de officiële telling verwacht.

    Tijdens de klimaatconferentie in Parijs beloofde India om de oppervlakte bossen uit te breiden met 95 miljoen hectare tegen 2030. De Indiase regering investeert zo’n 6,2 miljard euro aan de klimaatovereenkomst en moedigt alle deelstaten aan om zich in te spannen.

  13. Erik van Erne zegt:

    6 juli 2019 om 17:35 | Permalink

    Satellite Data Shows: One-third Of World’s New Vegetation In China And India

    China and India are leading the world in greening the landscape, a study finds, with the two countries accounting for one-third of the new forests, croplands and other types of vegetation observed globally since 2000.

    The results, published in Nature Sustainability, also show that China alone accounts for a quarter of the human-caused greening observed since 2000 – despite containing only 6.3% of the world’s landmass.

    In China, 42% of the greening comes from the expansion of forests while 32% comes from cultivated farmlands, the study finds. In India, 82% of the greening comes from new croplands.

    However, it is important to note that greening observed in China and India is “not enough to offset” the loss of the world’s tropical rainforests, particularly in Brazil, a scientist tells Carbon Brief.

  14. Erik van Erne zegt:

    8 juli 2019 om 13:35 | Permalink

    Planting a trillion trees could be the “most effective solution” to climate change, study says

    If a tree falls in a forest, will replanting it help curb global warming? Scientists say planting a trillion trees globally could be the single most effective way to fight climate change.

    According to a new study in the journal Science, planting billions of trees around the world would be the cheapest and most effective way to tackle the climate crisis. Since trees absorb carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming, a worldwide planting initiative could remove a substantial portion of heat-trapping emissions from the atmosphere.

    The researchers say a program at this scale could remove about two-thirds of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions caused by human activities since the start of the industrial revolution, or nearly 25% of the CO2 in the atmosphere.

  15. Erik van Erne zegt:

    29 juli 2019 om 18:08 | Permalink

    Ethiopië Plant 220 miljoen Bomen Op één Dag En Breekt Wereldrecord Bomen Planten

    Geweldig. Ethiopië heeft in één dag tijd 220 miljoen bomen geplant, meldt minister van Innovatie en Technologie Getahun Mekuria via Twitter. Daarmee is volgens de autoriteiten het oude wereldrecord uit 2016 verbroken toen India 50 miljoen bomen op één dag plantte. Of het record officieel is verbroken, moet nog worden gecontroleerd.

    Ethiopië wilde met de actie een signaal afgeven tegen klimaatverandering en ontbossing in de wereld. Volgens de VN verdween in Ethiopië ruim 35 procent van alle bossen sinds de start van waarnemingen in de 21e eeuw. In totaal zou het Afrikaanse land zo’n 4 miljard bomen willen planten in de komende jaren.

  16. Erik van Erne zegt:

    8 februari 2020 om 12:52 | Permalink

    Is the trillion trees campaign good news?

    Planting a trillion trees might be the only thing Donald Trump and Jane Goodall don’t disagree about. The global initiative to plant and conserve one trillion trees over the next decade aims to limit the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. This sounds like a great idea. But, to quote Greta Thunberg, it is “nowhere near enough” – it cannot, in other words, become an excuse not to cut emissions. Here’s what you need to know.

    Trees are having a moment, and that’s good news for the planet. Planting forests (and protecting the ones that still remain) is a natural, cheap and effective way to capture significant amounts of heat-trapping CO2. And doing so is essential to prevent dangerous levels of global warming.

    Trees have many other benefits, too: they provide a habitat for animals, regulate the water cycle, restore nutrients to the soil, increase biodiversity, and provide local communities with forest products such as fruit and nuts. That’s why at Ecosia, we use our profits to plant trees.

    But we also build solar plants and support regenerative agriculture, because we know that climate change mitigation requires a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, not just carbon capture.

  17. Erik van Erne zegt:

    26 juni 2020 om 13:24 | Permalink

    One Trillion Trees Is Not Enough by Forbes

  18. Erik van Erne zegt:

    28 september 2020 om 13:45 | Permalink

    In 40 years, China planted about 7.88 million hectares of windbreak trees

    In 40 years, China planted about 7.88 million hectares of windbreak trees and managed 36,000 square kilometers of desertified land. How did China get there? Check the video for answer.

  19. Erik van Erne zegt:

    29 december 2020 om 13:27 | Permalink

    2020 Year in Review by Eden Reforestation Projects

    Thank you for an amazing 2020! Because of your support, Eden Reforestation Projects (Eden) grew exponentially in every aspect this year, from planting more than 190 million trees and hiring thousands of new employees to expanding into two new nations and many more project sites.

    Eden Reforestation Projects (“Eden” for short) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission committed to alleviating extreme poverty and restoring healthy forests in Haiti, Nepal, Madagascar, Mozambique, Indonesia, Kenya, Honduras, and Nicaragua by employing local villagers to plant over a million trees each month. The lives of Eden’s employees are transformed by having a fair and dependable income to support themselves and their children. They are sending their children to school, able to afford good food and medical care, being freed from debt, labor and sex slavery, and are experiencing sustainable farming and fishing as their land, villages and local economies are restored to health.

  20. Erik van Erne zegt:

    28 februari 2021 om 13:40 | Permalink

    How China Turned the Desert into Green Forests

    China is rebuilding the Great Wall of China. However, now they build not with stones, mortar, sand and rubble, designed to stop the enemy hordes. Nowadays they build with trees. Just like the wall erected many years ago, the world’s largest man-made forest should stop the enemy that China has been fighting for many years and which is no less dangerous than the problem of overpopulation. This enemy is the desert that occupies most of eastern China and continues to grow non-stop.

  21. Erik van Erne zegt:

    31 maart 2021 om 17:23 | Permalink

    Saoedi-Arabië wil dit decennium 10 miljard bomen planten

    Saoedi-Arabië wil dit decennium 10 miljard bomen planten om de CO2-voetafdruk te verlagen en tevens de erosie tegen te gaan. Het land wil de CO2-uitstoot de komende jaren met de helft verminderen en hoopt andere landen in het Midden-Oosten ertoe aan te zetten vergelijkbare plannen te maken.

    Met het Groene Midden-Oosten-plan hoopt Mohammed Bin Salman dat er elders in de regio nog eens 50 miljard bomen geplant worden. Dat zou van het initiatief het grootste herbebossingsplan ter wereld maken.

    Hoe Saoedi-Arabië te werk wil gaan met de herbebossing is nog niet duidelijk. Zo regent het in het land gemiddeld maar 20 dagen per jaar. Voor landbouw maakt het land veel gebruik van grondwater dat al eeuwen in de grond zit en niet meer aangevuld wordt. Hierdoor moeten sommige akkers na een aantal jaar opgegeven worden, omdat er onvoldoende grondwater meer beschikbaar is.

  22. Erik van Erne zegt:

    10 juni 2021 om 13:20 | Permalink

    Reforestation and China’s Great Green Wall

    Tree-planting has been at the heart of the Chinese government’s environmental efforts for decades, but reforestation efforts have come under scrutiny this year after heavy sandstorms hit Beijing for the first time in six years.

  23. Erik van Erne zegt:

    20 juni 2021 om 13:49 | Permalink

    How Saudi Arabia Is Turning Desert into Huge Farmlands

  24. Erik van Erne zegt:

    23 september 2021 om 13:30 | Permalink

    Trillion Trees Act

    The Trillion Trees Act is a bipartisan bill that will solidify the United States as a global leader of the One Trillion Trees Initiative to conserve, restore and grow 1 trillion trees worldwide. Studies show that restoring 1 trillion new trees globally would sequester 205 gigatons of carbon, an amount equivalent to two-thirds of all manmade emissions remaining in the atmosphere today.

  25. Erik van Erne zegt:

    24 september 2021 om 05:58 | Permalink

    Colruyt gaat 12 miljoen bomen planten in Congo

    De Colruyt-groep wil twaalf miljoen bomen aanplanten in de Democratische Republiek Congo.

    Het bedrijf streeft naar een volledige nul-uitstoot van CO2 tegen 2030. Omdat het onmogelijk is om alle uitstoot van hun logistieke activiteiten weg te werken, wil het investeren in de captatie ervan, via de aanleg van bossen.

    Het gaat om een investering van acht miljoen euro.

  26. Erik van Erne zegt:

    26 september 2021 om 12:45 | Permalink

    Reforestation in Peru’s Amazon by WRI + One Tree Planted

    One Tree Planted has been working with WRI to grow millions of trees throughout the world. In this guest post, they visited an innovative project that has economically and ecologically restored a struggling area in Peru:

    One Tree Planted recently visited our Amazon reforestation project in Peru to meet our local partners AIDER, and to check up on how our trees are doing! We’ve supported their work since the experts at World Resources Institute connected us.

    A big driver of deforestation in Peru is unsustainable agriculture. By creating a mixed agroforestry system using cacao plants and native tree species, local people can restore nutrients to the soil and prevent further degradation.

    More than 60% of Peru is covered by the Amazon rainforest. This reforestation project is located in the Madre de Dios region, home to over 10 percent of the world’s bird species. The goal is to restore and protect the “buffer zone” between Tambopata National Reserve, Bahuaja-Sonene National Park, and the city of Puerto Maldonado. This area has been identified as a high risk zone for deforestation and degradation. Growing trees here will help conserve habitat for the Jaguar and hundreds of other species living in the protected areas, while providing sustainable livelihoods to local people. The nearby Tambopata National Reserve is home to many rare species that have disappeared elsewhere in the Amazon due to poaching – including tapirs, spider monkeys, jaguars, and caiman.

    This tree growing project helps protect the area’s biodiverse primary forests and restore degraded land. Our partners work with local farmers in Puerto Maldonado to establish a sustainable agroforestry system using shade-grown cocoa, native tree species, and productive timber species. A farming cooperative has been established within the community, providing technical assistance and training for participants in the sustainable agroforestry model. Agroforestry provides long term income that is sustainable economically as well as environmentally.

    Many Latin American countries, including Peru, are joining the fight against land degradation. They are members of Initiative 20×20, Latin America’s restoration movement. Together, communities, countries, and companies are hoping to restore over 50 million hectares of degraded land in forests like the Amazon and on farms and pasture.

  27. Erik van Erne zegt:

    26 september 2021 om 12:48 | Permalink

    Brazil: Reforestation to replenish water supplies by Global Ideas

    Deforestation has left only 20 percent of the once gigantic Atlantic Forest. Cities such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro depend on the rainforest for their water supplies. Two sisters are realizing their childhood dream by planting new trees there.

  28. Erik van Erne zegt:

    2 december 2021 om 21:27 | Permalink

    Natuurpunt creates 700 ha of new forests in Flanders

    Planting trees in Flanders (Belgium) with Natuurpunt Who is Natuurpunt? Natuurpunt is a Flemish NGO dedicated to nature conservation for more than half a century. We specialise in creating and managing nature reserves. We manage 26.000 ha of nature in Flanders at this moment. To do this we can count on several professional field teams and on many thousands of volunteers, who make out the very heart of our organisation. We organise courses, field trips, walks; we study nature and gather scientific information; we give nature a voice when talking to local and national politicians and other organisations. We have gathered a lot of experience in what we do. The government and even the European Commission see us as a reliable partner.

    They grant us subsidies and projects. 123.000 families are member of our organization and pay an annual contribution to support our work. Urgency Forests everywhere in the world are having a difficult time. Flanders is the less wooded region in Europe. Only 11% of our region is wooded. The existing woods are getting smaller and less biodiverse. That is a problem because woods can play an important part in tackling climate change. They capture carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, retain water and regulate temperature.

    That is why Natuurpunt has made the commitment to create 700 ha of woods in Flanders by 2024. That means 1.750.000 trees! Half of it will be planted, the other half will be natural regeneration. Quality forests We do not want the plant trees, but woods. A wood is ecosystem with a diversity of plants and animals. We choose the right trees and plants for the right soils. That is where our knowhow on ecology comes in handy. We choose plants that are typical for our region, not exotic plants. Our woods are open for everybody to enjoy them for walking, cycling, sporting, soft recreation, … Planting trees In order to realise our goals we have set up a Fund ‘Woods for everyone.’

    In that fund we collect donations and contributions from individuals and companies or organisations. With those financial means and the government grants we can buy terrains and plant trees. We always try to own the land on which we plant so we can guarantee that the new wood will always stay a wood. We also take care of the wood in the year following the planting. We ask for the necessary authorisations, we order the correct trees and then we organise a planting day. We invite people to come and help us with the planting: neighbours, volunteers, donors, schools, youth organisations, companies.

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