Amsterdam Declaration of the Global Assembly of the Club of Rome
Geschreven op 27-10-2009 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Agenda, KlimaatZo, de Global Assembly 2009 Climate, Energy and Economic Recovery van The Club of Rome zit er weer op en is afgesloten met The Declaration of Amsterdam en helaas is er sprake van een bevestiging van wat we al lang weten. Het gaat fout met het klimaat en er zijn drastische maatregelen nodig om een enorme klimaatramp te voorkomen.
Overigens wijst de Club van Rome terecht op de vele miljarden die er in het financiële systeem zijn gestoken en roept men op om ook voor de aanpak van de klimaatverandering eens even diep in de buidel te tasten. Zie ook: Growing within Limits: 80 tot 90 procent CO2 reductie noodzakelijk
Amsterdam Declaration of the Global Assembly of the Club of Rome
The Club of Rome calls for urgent action to avert the growing risk of catastrophic climate change. The most recent scientific data presented to the Assembly by the world’s top climate scientists demonstrate the accelerating impacts of climate change on the natural systems of the planet. Beyond this existential threat to the future of humanity, the Club stresses the need to find a new path for world development to resolve the connected challenges in the fields of environment, global development and the restructuring of economies onto a sustainable path. We insist that responsibility for care in the use of energy and resources, responsibility for the environment and social inclusion are not simply costs to the economy, but investments in the future of humanity. Governments have directed trillions of dollars to stabilize the financial system: we call for the required levels of finance to salvage the future of the planet.
We should not aim to recover to the pre-crisis path of economic growth, which leads towards disaster. We call on governments and the business community to recognize the reality and urgency of the problems we face and to provide the leadership and sustained commitment to resolve the challenges of the 21st entury so as to leave a decent future to our children and grandchildren. The simultaneous and apparently sudden emergence of multiple economic and ecological global crises is not a coincidence. There is now an extraordinary opportunity for nations, businesses, civil society and individuals to unite in the common efforts required to solve them.
Today’s global challenges – climate change, endemic and pervasive poverty, the loss of biodiversity and species extinction, resource depletion, energy security, ocean degradation and acidification, numerous other environmental breakdowns, growing food and water insecurity and, indeed, the collapse of the global financial system – all largely stem from the same fundamental causes: our profligate consumption patterns,our inefficient and wasteful production systems, our inadequately designed and poorly regulated financial institutions and the weak and influence-ridden structures that govern our affairs.
The underlying causes are systemic and intensely connected. No one of these challenges can be resolved alone. They lie principally in obsolete social and economic models which drive our civilization: these can and must be changed. The root causes must be addressed now and they must be addressed together. The UN climate negotiations in Copenhagen will be the next opportunity to demonstrate the world’s commitment to take meaningful action. And this action on climate change must resolve its underlying social and economic causes, not focus on its symptoms. The Club of Rome urges governments to adopt a strong climate treaty that will be fair, that will contribute to energy and economic security, that will respond to the growing urgency of the risks of catastrophic climate change. Governments must therefore put in place the mechanisms and the stable policy frameworks needed to reinforce the provisions of the Treaty, including a high and stable carbon price to drive innovation.
Government and business must realize that climate change mitigation and the protection of oceans and terrestrial ecosystems require drastic changes in the use of natural resources. Targets for resource efficiency must be introduced, supported by tax reform, which should increase taxes on the use of resources and lower taxes on labour.We emphasize that the transition to an equitable, sustainable low-carbon society must also engage the business and investment community, civil society and communities at large. There is enormous potential for business in rapidly emerging markets for new sustainable low carbon products. Business leaders must commit to the re-design of business models, to innovative solutions and to new energy and resource-efficient products. They have a responsibility to regain public trust in the ethical and sustainable basis of banking and business activities. Bron: The Club of Rome
Willem zegt:
28 oktober 2009 om 09:31 | Permalink
I am a little bit dissapointed.
And it was sad to see that the, once brilliant old men, can not make the difference anymore.
The assembly was more of “an old boys network”, despite the fact that a lot of young people attended.
For the next time: give the young a chance to speak out their ambitions, ideas and expectations. Afterall it is about the world in 2050!
Postzegels Verzamelen zegt:
26 maart 2010 om 21:10 | Permalink
80-90 procent CO2 reductie noodzakelijk, maar de kans de we daar geraken is zo klein. Als we al aan 65 geraken zou al mooi zijn. Goed het is niet wat ideaal zou zijn maar het zou alles toch wat leefbaarder maken…