Adapting to a Changing Climate: The Adaptation Forum Video Documentary
Geschreven op 5-12-2015 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in KlimaatThe documentary “Adapting to a changing climate” highlights the growing recognition of the need for adaptation to climate change around the world.
It is translated into nine languages, including the six UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English French, Russian, and Spanish) as well as Portuguese, Bengali and Hindi.
This 20-minute documentary highlights the growing recognition of the need for action to adapt to climate change around the world and introduces viewers to the topic of climate change adaptation by weaving inspiring stories of adaptation action together with interviews with experts. In June, it won a gold award at the prestigious Deauville Green Awards.
The documentary Adapting to a Changing Climate was produced by the United Nations Climate Change secretariat on behalf of the UNFCCC’s Adaptation Committee. The Adaptation Committee encourages organizations and individuals to widely disseminate the video documentary.
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