128 Year Anniversary of Udon Thani, Thailand: Fireworks & Concert January 18th 2021
Geschreven op 20-1-2011 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Agenda, Iets anders10 December 2019: On January 18th 2020 Udon Thani City will celebrate the 127-year anniversary of the City.
19 January 2014: Udon Thani City yesterday celebrated its 121-year anniversary with the Guinness Book’s world record-breaking 5,515-strong dancing performance in front of the monument of General HRH Prince Prachaksinlapakhom, the founder of Udon Thani town, while another 21,000 people also participated off-record in the dance around the monument.
The annual celebration featured alms offering rite to 122 Buddhist monks, worship of monument, the world record mass-dancing performance on the 1,200-metre Thahan Road, and an award conferring ceremony on 121 outstanding citizens.
120th Anniversary of Udon Thani. Fireworks & Concert at Nong Prajak park.
See also: Happy New Year 2556 – Happy Songkran – Sawatdee pi Maï
Udon Thani 120th Aniversary’s FireWork at Nong Prajak Sillapakom public park on 18th January 2013.
118th Year Anniversary of Udon Thani. Fireworks display at Nong Prajak park viewed from the clock circle area
100 Places To Remember: Bangkok, Thailand – Problemen door overstromingen Thailand: Kwart Thailand Staat Blank – Bangkok In Gevarenzone – Thais Celebrate King Bhumibol Adulyadej Birthday – Staatsbezoek Koningin Beatrix en Prins Willem-Alexander aan Thailand – Problemen door overstromingen Thailand: Kwart Thailand Staat Blank – Bangkok In Gevarenzone – Het Nieuwe Werken vanuit Thailand – Vloot Van 27 Elektrische Veerboten Voor Chao Phraya Rivier In Bangkok, Thailand
Prachan zegt:
26 januari 2011 om 08:02 | Permalink
Weather Forecast Udon Thani, Thailand
Erik van Erne zegt:
28 januari 2011 om 22:50 | Permalink
Udon Thani street view on bus
Erik van Erne zegt:
9 februari 2011 om 14:46 | Permalink
HM the Queen to preside over cremation of revered monk Luangta Ta Maha Bua on March 5 at Pa Ban Tad Temple in Udon Thani
Thailand: Udon Thani: thousands of Thai Buddhists remember monk Luang Ta Maha Bua. Large crowds have gathered at Pabaantad Temple where the famous monk died on 31 January at the age of 97. The cremation ceremony is scheduled for 5 March in the presence of Queen Sirikit. The monk is famous for his preaching, involvement in social issues and fund raising.
A crowd of sad mourners has flooded the Buddhist temple of Pabaantad, in northern Thailand, to pay their respect to Phra Dharmawisuthimongkol, a monk who passed away on 31 January at the age of 97 from intestinal obstruction and pulmonary infection.
He was an expert in meditation and a leading figure on social issues, so much so, that he was able to raise millions during Thailand’s 1997 economic meltdown.
Phra Dharmawisuthimongkol, better known as ‘Luang Ta Maha Bua Yan-na Sumpanno’, was born into a rich family of farmers, in the northeastern province of Udon Thani. After he was ordained monk on 12 May 1934 at the age of 20, he thought he would spend a short period living with other monks to meet his family’s expectations.
Instead, in Sakhon Nakorn province, he met someone who changed his life, Phra Arjarn Mun Puritatto, a monk who introduced him to the teachings of the Buddha and showed him the path towards peace of mind. When the master died, after sharing eight years with his young pupil, Luang Ta Maha Bua Yan-na Sumpanno went back to Pabaantad Temple, Muang district (Udorn Thani province), where he spent the rest of his life.
In addition to his fame as practitioner of meditation, Luang Ta Maha Bua was known for his involvement in social issues. When the country was struck by a major economic crisis in 1997, he urged fellow Thais to donate money, gold and other precious items to the bank of Thailand to help the recovery. Thanks to his appeal, more than US$ 10 million and 12 tonnes of gold were raised, and placed in the bank’s reserves. The initiative was inspired by values such love for country, sacrifice and the unity of all Thai citizens. In his will, written on 7 May 2010, he said, “It is my intention to give all the money donated to me by the faithful to the Bank of Thailand as a reserve fund.” In it, the monk also emphasised the importance of harmony to his followers.
If anything, his importance can be measured by his followers’ loyalty. In just ten days after his death, some 35,000,000 bahts (US$ 1.2 million) were raised in cash, and that is on top of cheques, gold and US dollars. The money will eventually go to buy gold, be deposited in the National Bank.
Sarn Krungsri, 55, a local radio announcer, is among the many people who remember him. He said that after hearing so many of his teachings on dharma, he decided to tape them for radio broadcast so that the faithful could hear them. “This is how ‘Voice of Dharma for the People’ by Luang Ta Maha Bua was born.”
King of Thailand
In the afternoon of June 10th, Their Majesties and members of the royal family went to the Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall in the Grand Palace where the royal rites took place. To commemorate this auspicious occasion, His Majesty conferred higher ecclesiastical ranks to senior monks who then chanted blessings.
Erik van Erne zegt:
3 maart 2011 om 18:46 | Permalink
Medics await half a million for cremation of Luangta Maha Bua Yannasampanno in Udon Thani
The Public Health Ministry has prepared 500 doctors and nurses, a field hospital, 20 ambulances and three helicopters to support some half a million people expected to attend the cremation of Luangta Maha Bua Yannasampanno on Saturday.The teams will provide free medical treatment at Wat Ban Tad, where the revered monk served as abbot, until March 7.
Deputy Public Health Minister Pansiri Kulanartsiri said the ministry had recruited 500 doctors and nurses from various hospitals to work in nine medical tents and 100 small mobile medical units.At nearby Ban Tad School, a 10-bed field hospital has been set up with four emergency medical teams and specialists, though Central Udon Thani Hospital will take most patients.
Erik van Erne zegt:
3 maart 2011 om 19:01 | Permalink
The cremation of Luangta Maha Bua Yannasampanno is a logistical challenge
Wat Pa Ban Tad forest temple in Udon Thani is abuzz with activity. More than 1,500 kitchens are being set up to cater to more than 2,500 monks residing at the temple and thousands of visitors streaming in every day. Space must be made to accommodate thousands of cars heading to the temple. Sacks of rice and heaps of vegetables have to be brought in and properly stored. This is all in preparation for the big event on Saturday – the cremation of highly revered monk Luangta Maha Bua Yannasampanno, who passed away on Jan 30 at the age of 98.
The ceremony will be presided over by Her Majesty the Queen. The temple is hectic with everything that needs to be done to accommodate the large number of visitors for the famous monk’s last rites, which will officially start tomorrow, March 4th. Logistics is a challenge. In the temple, about 50 police officers from Senee Ronayut Camp have been rehearsing the funeral procession. For the ceremony, 12 pall bearers will carry the coffin from the temple to the outdoor crematorium, over which a large umbrella is being installed as a finishing touch. White flowers will decorate the raised pattern for the funeral.
Even though the temple has expanded its parking lots from five to 19, covering an area of 1,095 rai or more than 2 million square metres, it is still concerned that traffic will be a problem.
Media organisations in Udon Thani have joined forces in setting up a temporary news centre specifically for the event. Radio stations 99.0, 88.0 and 92.75 will start broadcasting tomorrow and continue until Sunday. Broadcasts will run from 5am to midnight and will give out information about the ceremony, traffic and the general atmosphere.
Phra Khru Athakitnanthakhun, abbot of Wat Pa Doi Lap Nga, said the monks’ gathering at Wat Pa Ban Tad will hold a pha paceremony for the late abbot today. Tomorrow Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn will take part in a morning alms-giving ceremony and evening prayers at the temple. The cremation is scheduled for 1pm on Saturday. The temple has received 267 million baht in donations and 45kg of gold to benefit Luangta Maha Bua’s causes.
Erik van Erne zegt:
26 maart 2011 om 20:15 | Permalink
Thai For Japan: @ Facebook
Erik van Erne zegt:
30 maart 2011 om 17:42 | Permalink
Southern Thai Floods Trigger Deadly Landslides
Nearly a week of continuous rain has triggered severe floods in southern Thailand. Officials said hundreds of thousands have been affected, with at least 15 people dead including 4 killed by landslides.
Update: Severe floods in southern Thailand have killed 53 people and affected about 2 million people in 10 provinces, officials say, as rains begin to ease after two weeks.
The national disaster agency says more than 40,000 survivors are living in temporary shelters across three provinces that remain flooded. Rail service has also been severely disrupted, but electricity is slowly being restored in the hardest-hit area, Nakhon. The latest weather forecasts predict scattered showers throughout the country’s south this week.
Troops have been sent to help victims in 10 provinces: Surat Thani, Krabi, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Phatthalung, Chumphon, Trang, Phangnga, Satun, Songkhla and Narathiwat
Erik van Erne zegt:
15 april 2011 om 21:21 | Permalink
Staatsbezoek Koningin Beatrix en Prins Willem-Alexander aan Thailand
19-24 januari 2004 – De Koningin en de Prins van Oranje brengen een staatsbezoek aan Thailand.
Somchai zegt:
3 mei 2011 om 21:49 | Permalink
February 6 declared Muay Thai Day
The Cabinet on Tuesday approved a proposal to declare every February “Muay Thai Day,” in honour of an Ayutthaya-era King who was known as Father of Thai boxing.
The approval the cabinet approved the Culture Ministry’s proposal for a Muay Thai Day in an effort to boost tourism and national pride in the sport, deputy government spokesman Watchara Kannikar said. The date was selected based on the anniversary of the coronation day of King Somdet Phra Sanphet VIII, also known as Phra Chao Suea (Tiger King), on February 6, 1702. The King was a Muay Thai fighter himself, promoting the martial art during his reign, which saw the emergence of many great boxers including Nai Khanomtom and Phraya Phichai Dap Hak.
Erik van Erne zegt:
11 mei 2011 om 21:14 | Permalink
Practical ideas on Sustainability in Bangkok: Cradle to Cradle by Bart Brink of Royal Haskoning
Everybody is talking about sustainability nowadays. We have a specialist and will present real-life examples on what companies can do. Royal Haskoning is flying in its sustainability expert Bart Brink from the Netherlands to present the Cradle-to-Cradle approach to sustainability to us. Khun Jakkrin Taepaisitpong will present in Bangkok on the 25th of May some of the projects of one of Thailand’s most successful companies, Betagro. And we have lots of other examples of what Dutch and Belgian companies in Thailand are doing.
Bart Brink is corporate coordinator Cradle-to-Cradle Sustainability at Royal Haskoning and has worked with many multinational companies, governments and the EU. He will give an introduction to the concept and an overview of several success stories of buildings, products and processes that have been inspired by the Cradle-to-Cradle concept to Sustainability.
Jakkrin Taepaisitpong is Senior Vice-President of Betagro. Betagro has implemented several Cradle-to-Cradle-inspired projects. Khun Jakkrin’s presentation will illustrate what a company in Thailand can do to improve its sustainability.
Erik van Erne zegt:
14 mei 2011 om 01:44 | Permalink
Feedin Tariffs Smooth the Way for Renewable Energy Generation in Thailand
Since the introduction of its small power program in 2006, Thailand has signed contracts to develop 4,300 MW of renewable generation. Nearly half of the contracts –1,800 MW– are for solar energy alone. Currently 850 MW of generation is online as a result of the program, says Chris Greacen, a former consultant to the Thai government. Source: Wolfram Publications
Erik van Erne zegt:
17 mei 2011 om 13:56 | Permalink
“’Close-Knit’ Employees Create New Dolls, Recycle Waste” InterfaceFLOR Thailand
Through a project called “Together We Can Reuse It,” employees in Thailand demonstrated waste recycling by creating an inventive new purpose for waste yarn—turning the unusable material into knitted dolls. The dolls made by employees were sold, generating more than $450 (13,750 THB) in proceeds that were then donated to a non-profit foundation. Initial customers included InterfaceFLOR visitors, guests and employees. InterfaceFLOR also expanded the project beyond the company to benefit the local community by teaching the craft to community members. By offering training for new skills and providing the raw materials, this project could prove to be a valuable source of income for the residents of Thailand’s Surin province.
The project was initiated between June and December 2010. “Together We Can Reuse It” exemplified an inventive way Interface employees turned unusable waste yarn into something unique and valuable. The project also demonstrated how an imaginative idea around sustainability can offer benefits in the form of proceeds and job skills to offer self-support for the local community. The project is scheduled to continue through 2011 and 2012.
Erik van Erne zegt:
23 mei 2011 om 13:15 | Permalink
Vesak Day 2011: Budda’s Birthday by The Big Picture
Commonly called “Budda’s birthday,” Vesak Day is a time for Buddhists worldwide to come together and celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha. The commemorations range from meditations and quiet prayers to alms giving events to long colorful processions. In Indonesia, such events take place at the Borobudur Mahayana Buddhist monument, making it the most visited tourist attraction in the country. Vesak is observed every year during the full moon occurring in May or June.(27 photos total)
Sue zegt:
14 juni 2011 om 10:00 | Permalink
Downtown Plaza Udon Thani – 1st Floor Grand Opening
Joy zegt:
14 juni 2011 om 12:16 | Permalink
Thailand monks on edge in Muslim south
In parts of Thailand, the act of collecting donations can be a dangerous one for Buddhist monks. Armed groups in the mainly Muslim southern provinces have been fighting for an independent state, and many carry out regular attacks on Buddhist symbols in the region.
Erik van Erne zegt:
11 oktober 2011 om 10:45 | Permalink
Problemen door overstromingen Thailand: Kwart Thailand Staat Blank – Bangkok In Gevarenzone
Erik van Erne zegt:
1 juni 2012 om 08:57 | Permalink
Sensation Thailand ’12 Ocean of White Trailer
This year Sensation is for the first time in 3 countries: Thailand, Korea, and Taiwan. Conceptually, “the Ocean of White” will create an underwater world of white to visually blend itself with the ultimate in sensory music experience.
ID&T & Heineken bring Sensation to Thailand. On the 18th of August 2012, the Impact Arena in Bangkok will be turned all white for the ‘Ocean of White’ show. Experience this wondrous world of nocturnal sea life with acrobats shooting over the ceiling, giant jellyfish hovering above the dancefloor, and dj’s that guide you through the uncharted waters of mesmerizing grooves and melodies.
Full details: Sensation Thailand
Erik van Erne zegt:
9 december 2012 om 12:04 | Permalink
Thailand Documentary: Workers in Thailand
Erik van Erne zegt:
3 mei 2013 om 13:21 | Permalink
Thailand Celebrates King Bhumibol’s 85th Birthday on Dec 5, 2012
Erik van Erne zegt:
29 november 2013 om 11:23 | Permalink
Loy Krathong 2013 Udon Thani
Different legends surround the origins of Loy Kratong. The most popular version is it was an expression of gratitude to the goddess of water ‘Phra Mae Kongka’ for having extensively used, and sometimes polluted, the water from the rivers and canals. It is also in part a thanksgiving for her bounty in providing water for the livelihood of the people.
Erik van Erne zegt:
10 december 2013 om 12:51 | Permalink
Thailand: A Place…A Sensation
Johnny zegt:
20 januari 2014 om 05:19 | Permalink
Skydiving World Team Wing 23 Udon Thani, Thailand
Bee zegt:
20 mei 2014 om 10:13 | Permalink
Presentation of Udon Thani Province Thailand
Bualuang zegt:
6 augustus 2014 om 17:54 | Permalink
History of Udon Thani, Thailand: Over the years Udon 121
Uhm zegt:
12 augustus 2014 om 19:50 | Permalink
Udon Thani Information
Tong zegt:
12 augustus 2014 om 19:51 | Permalink
Flight over Nong Bua Park, Udon Thani, Thailand
Fly around Nong Bua Park, Udon Thani, Thailand. Also fly around the chinese shrine, San Chao Pu-Ya Udon Thani, at the same area. July 26, 2014
Bualuang zegt:
12 augustus 2014 om 19:54 | Permalink
Udon Thani: Ho Chi Minh Museum
During 1928 and 1929, Ho Chi Minh used the jungle around Hong Hang village (Udon Thani) as one of his bases to train soldiers and rally the sizeable local Vietnamese community for his resistance against the French occupation of Vietnam.
Erik van Erne zegt:
10 december 2014 om 12:50 | Permalink
King Bhumibol 87th Birthday
elebrate Thailand Father’s Day and find out why Thai people regard their beloved King as ‘The Soul of the Nation’. In Thailand, Father’s Day is set as the birthday of the king. December 5 is the birthday of the current king, Bhumibol Adulyadej. Traditionally, Thais celebrate by giving their father or grandfather a canna flower, which is considered a masculine flower; however, this is not as commonly practiced today. Thai people will wear yellow on this day to show respect for the king, because yellow is the colour of the day for Monday, the day King Bhumibol Adulyadej was born. Thais will light candles and show respect to the king by declaring their faith. This ceremony happens in almost every village in Thailand, and even overseas at Thai organizations.
Thai king Bhumibol Adulyadej Celebrates 87th Birthday: Fireworks
Bualuang zegt:
6 januari 2015 om 11:45 | Permalink
Christmas in Udon Thani, Thailand
Chan zegt:
10 augustus 2015 om 13:32 | Permalink
Bike for Mom Udon
Erik van Erne zegt:
5 oktober 2015 om 09:37 | Permalink
Explore the Hidden Delights of Udon Thani
Located in the North of Thailand, the province of Udon Thani offers a wealth of untouched cultural treasures and natural beauty that provide a pleasant change to the hustle and bustle of the tourist-laden regions further South. Despite this, the province is easy to reach, with multiple flights to the provincial capital city of Udon Thani every day from both Bangkok airports.
Erik van Erne zegt:
5 oktober 2015 om 09:43 | Permalink
Udon Thani Sky View September 2015
Bualuang zegt:
9 oktober 2015 om 13:17 | Permalink
King Bhumibol of Thailand: The People’s King
Erik van Erne zegt:
22 januari 2017 om 14:09 | Permalink
Khon Bon Fa: The King in Heaven
This song was composed by Royal Thai Navy Music Division to commemorate the occasion of 100th day of His Majesty the Late king Bhumibol Adulyadej’s passing.
Erik van Erne zegt:
14 juli 2017 om 14:00 | Permalink
The Royal Crematorium for HM. the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej
An illustration of royal crematorium for HM.the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej
More than 7,000 seats will be prepared for dignitaries participating in the Royal Cremation Ceremony for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on the royal cremation day, 26 October 2017. On the royal cremation day, the symbolic royal cremation begins at 17.00 hr, while the actual royal cremation begins at 22.00 hr. the Government has declared the royal cremation day a public holiday.
The Fine Arts Department is preparing to set up three stages at Sanam Luang ceremonial ground to organize public performances for the Royal Cremation Ceremony of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Various entertainments in the ceremony, called “Ok Phra Men,” in the Royal Cremation are an age-old tradition. They are intended to pay a final tribute and farewell to the former monarch. The programs are also meant for the general public and to mark the ending of an official mourning period at the same time.
Erik van Erne zegt:
24 oktober 2017 om 13:29 | Permalink
Koningin Máxima bij Crematieceremonie Thaise Koning Bhumibol Adulyadej
Hare Majesteit Koningin Máxima is donderdag 26 oktober 2017 aanwezig bij de Koninklijke crematieceremonie van de Thaise Koning Bhumibol Adulyadej. De ceremonie vindt plaats op het Sanam Luang te Bangkok, het plein bij het Koninklijk Paleis waar traditioneel de Koninklijke crematies plaatsvinden. Koningin Máxima vertegenwoordigt het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Erik van Erne zegt:
23 december 2017 om 13:35 | Permalink
Amazing Thailand Tourism Year 2018
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) also launches a calendar of events in support of the ‘Amazing Thailand Tourism Year 2018’, featuring an action-packed schedule of unique Thai local experiences and a marquee of international events. The event calendar schedule includes Air Race 1 World Cup Thailand 2017, The 50th Anniversary of ASEAN International Fleet Review 2017, and 4th UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism etc.
Erik van Erne zegt:
29 januari 2018 om 13:51 | Permalink
Loy Krathong live in Bangkok, Thailand by André Rieu & His Johann Strauss Orchestra
Loy Krathong is a populair lantern festival in Thailand. The name could be translated as “to float a basket”, and comes from the tradition of making krathong or buoyant, decorated baskets, which are then floated on a river.
Erik van Erne zegt:
31 maart 2018 om 16:08 | Permalink
Love and Warmth at Winter’s End in Thailand
On 6 March 2018, Her Royal Highness Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol visited “Love and Warmth at Winter’s End” at the Royal Plaza, Dusit Palace. Her Royal Highness was dressed in traditional Thai apparel, popular in the reign of King Chulalongkorn.
Erik van Erne zegt:
22 november 2018 om 21:20 | Permalink
Loy Krathong Festival 2018 Udonthani Thaïland