Anders Bekeken

World Future Energy Summit 2019: Powering Sustainable Innovation in Abu Dhabi #WFES

Geschreven op 28-8-2010 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Agenda, Energie en Besparing Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

Update: The twelveth edition of World Future Energy Summit (WFES) will be held from 14-17 January 2019 in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), United Arab Emirates. Hosted by Masdar. WFES promotes innovation and investment opportunities surrounding renewable energy and environment.

World Future Energy Summit (WFES) is the world’s leading global exhibition dedicated to advancing future energy, energy efficiency and clean technology. WFES brings together over 30,000 visitors from 175 countries attracting government leaders, policy makers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders. It is the perfect opportunity to network and source products from 639 exhibiting companies from 30 countries and uncover the latest advances in future energy.

World Future Energy Summit continues to set the agenda for a global discussion on the future of renewable energy, clean technology and sustainability. A platform for governments, corporate decision-makers, investors, entrepreneurs and opinion makers, World Future Energy Summit is an annual meeting place that promotes dialogue, fosters knowledge transfer and accelerates strategic decision making in the pursuit of viable solutions to the world’s growing energy challenges. Our conferences are carefully researched and designed to pinpoint opportunities for growth and profitability, and provide attendees with access to the best thinking, best practices, and innovations in clean energy deployment.

See also: The Zayed Sustainability Prize: 3 Million Dollar Prize Fund For Five Categories - Zayed Future Energy Prize 2018 - Zayed University: The New Abu Dhabi Campus - Masdar City: The First 100% Carbon Free Community in the WorldMasdar Headquarters: The first Energy-Positive Building in the WorldVideo Masdar City HeadquartersMasdar City Personal Rapid Transit (PRT): Automated People MoverMasdar Initiative: Hydrogen Power Abu DhabiMasdar Awards $600 Million Contract for World’s Largest Thermal Solar Plant: Shams 1 in UAE

26-01-2012: The sixth edition of WFES 2012 will be held from 15-17 January 2013 in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), United Arab Emirates. Hosted by Masdar. WFES promotes innovation and investment opportunities surrounding renewable energy and environment. Under the Patronage of H.H. General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.

World Future Energy Summit is the world’s foremost annual meeting committed to advancing future energy, energy efficiency and clean technologies by engaging political, business, finance, academic and industry leaders to drive innovation, business and investment opportunities in response to the growing need for sustainable energy.

See also: Zayed Future Energy Prize 2012 - World Renewable Energy Forum 2012 in Denver, Colorado: EmPowering the World with Renewable Energy - World Energy Forum 2012 in Dubai: A Forum for World Leaders - Masdar City: The First 100% Carbon Free Community in the World - Masdar Headquarters: The first Energy-Positive Building in the WorldVideo Masdar City Headquarters - Masdar City Personal Rapid Transit (PRT): Automated People MoverMasdar Initiative: Hydrogen Power Abu Dhabi - Masdar Awards $600 Million Contract for World’s Largest Thermal Solar Plant: Shams 1 in UAE

19-01-2012: Sunny Dubai to Make Large Investment in Solar Power. The Middle East has two things in abundance – oil and sunshine. Seeking to capitalize on the latter, Dubai’s Supreme Council of Energy has presented plans for the 1,000 megawatt Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park at the World Future Energy Summit.

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park is an advanced model of power production, which achieves our leaders’ aspirations to diversify sources of energy; specifically by using renewable energy to conserve resources and protect the environment from pollution. This solar park will significantly enhance our efforts to achieve sustainable development, which is the cornerstone of our projects to achieve prosperity for everyone, for generations to come. Source: WFES

10-01-2012: The fifth edition of WFES 2012 will be held from 16-19 January 2012 in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), United Arab Emirates. Hosted by Masdar, WFES promotes innovation and investment opportunities surrounding renewable energy and environment. Under the Patronage of H.H. General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces.

The 5th edition, World Future Energy Summit continues to provide the leading platform for international policy makers, innovators, business decision makers and investors to explore global energy challenges with the view to creating real and sustainable solutions. In 2012, WFES will bring together more than 150 eminent thought leaders to reveal the latest innovations and discuss the burning issues surrounding future energy. This is your opportunity to hear cutting-edge information, gain first hand knowledge, and discuss with international colleagues the challenges and solutions for achieving clean, secure and sustainable energy for all.

This year’s Summit program has been designed to address the theme Powering Sustainable Innovation. As the global demand for energy continues to escalate, it is innovation which will transform our traditionally fossil fuel based energy into a diverse mix featuring renewable and sustainable energy sources. It is innovation which will enable the development of advanced clean energy technology and continue to make huge leaps forward in improving energy efficiency.

Throughout the four days of the Summit, the underlying theme of innovation will be seen across the framework of policy, business, technology and finance with ground breaking presentations from industry leaders, frank discussions among senior representatives from key players and valuable insights from respected analysts. Source: WFES

See also: Zayed Future Energy Prize 2012: Schneider Electric, Dr Ashok Gadgil, Carbon Disclosure Project

World Future Energy Summit 201128-08-2010: Since its inception in 2008, World Future Energy Summit “WFES” has evolved as the world’s foremost and must-attend annual meeting for the renewable energy and environment industry. In 2010 WFES uniquely brought together over 24,760 attendees from 148 countries including world leaders, international policy makers, industry leaders, investors, experts, academia, intellectuals and journalists to find practical and sustainable solutions for today’s energy security and climate change challenges.

The World Future Energy Summit, the most important event of its kind for those engaged in energy and environment, is hosted by Masdar every January in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates and home to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The Summit provides a crucial platform to address the urgent global need to find energy solutions that are both secure and sustainable. Industry and political leaders, investors, scientists, specialists, policy makers and researchers attend the annual summit, which addresses issues of public policy, science and business in recognition that only an interdisciplinary approach to this enormous challenge will yield tangible results

Alongside the summit, two exhibitions are held: the World Future Energy Exhibition, focused on advanced and renewable energy, and the World Future Environment Exhibition, dedicated to air, water and waste management technologies and solutions. Previous WFES speakers have included Britain’s HRH Prince Charles, HRH Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, President Olafur Grimsson of Iceland and Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Former U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman and Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The fourth World Future Energy Summit (WFES) will be held from 17 to 20 January 2011 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre and built on its previous three editions to create a collaborative platform to tackle policy, innovation and investment issues surrounding renewable energy. WFES promotes innovation and investment opportunities surrounding renewable energy and environment. It represents an unrivalled business platform bringing together project owners and solution providers with investors and buyers from both the public and private sectors. WFES includes a world class summit, two exhibitions, young future energy leaders program, round table discussions, industry and investment seminars, corporate meetings and social events.

The prize for the winning design of UAE Land Art Generator Initiative’s (LAGI) first international design competition will be sponsored by Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s multi-faceted initiative advancing the development, commercialization and deployment of renewable and alternative energy technologies and solutions. The winning team will be awarded the prize at the 2011 World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi. The award ceremony will take place as part of the Land Art Generator exhibition at Masdar stand at WFES. See also: Zayed Future Energy Prize 2011: Submit Your Nomation before October 1

LAGI is a first-of-its-kind interdisciplinary collaboration that has brought together global artists, architects, scientists, landscape architects, and engineers to design energy-generating public art installations to be considered for construction in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. The international competition, which closed on June 4, 2010, received entries from over 40 countries. Each sculpture will continuously distribute clean energy into the electrical grid with the potential to provide power to thousands of homes.

The Nine Pyramids of Lunar Cubit Wins First Place Award of Land Art Generator Initiative. The second prize goes to The Land Art Generator Initiative: Fields of Windstalks Harvest Kinetic Energy From the Wind and the third prize goes to The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solaris Solar Canopy Generates Electricity by Predock + Frane

The Land Art Generator Initiative: COMONA Light and Wings Choreographies in the Sky
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solaris Solar Canopy Generates Electricity by Predock + Frane
The Land Art Generator Initiative: WATERBIRDS Re-thinking Windpower
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Fields of Windstalks Harvest Kinetic Energy From the Wind
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Light Sanctuary: A Field of Solar Ribbons Rises in the Desert
The Land Art Generator Initiative: December 2nd 1971 Solar (ECO) System
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Desert Blooms
The Land Art Generator Initiative: DEWelectric Blue-Green Field of Water Stalk Condenser Towers
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Sand Dune Clouds Producing Electrical Energy
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Artocos Inspired by the Socotra Cormorant Birds
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Prism Cloud Ceates an Experiential Fullness
The Land Art Generator Initiative: The SUNFLOWER Generating and Storing Energy
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Beach Balls Generating Energy
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solar Dunes Generating Energy
The Land Art Generator Initiative: The Alternative Power Research + Exhibition Park
The Land Art Generator Initiative: TRANSPIRE a Zero Carbon Solution
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Interlace Energy Generation Artwork
The Land Art Generator Initiative: PV Dust, the photovoltaic farm of the future
The Land Art Generator Initiative: SunRainForest with Forest Leafers
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Tetras A Sculptural Artwork Using Aperiodic 3-D Tiling Patterns
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Alshams or the Sun
The Land Art Generator Initiative: SOLARIS
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Layers of Dubai
The Land Art Generator Initiative: NET Recycled Plastic Woven Structure with Flexible Solar Films
The Land Art Generator Initiative: The Photoreactor Farm Tower
The Land Art Generator Initiative: The Diatom Project
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Hybrid Ecology and An Artificial Environment
The Land Art Generator Initiative: The Power of the Sun
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Osmotic Loop and Osmotic Power in Abu Dhabi
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Chromatic Energy Landscape
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Sunset Running on Empty
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solar Dunes Desert Blink
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Egal Center
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Static Motion Island, Nature and Object
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Lotus Flower
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solar Bird
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Living Ribbon
The Land Art Generator Initiative: An Ode to the Sun
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Clouds, Lattices & Plumes
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Air Pipe Forest
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Dubai Reclaimed Harness Energy From Sandstorms
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Mirage Solar Clouds
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Fallen Leaves
The Land Art Generator Initiative: From Chaos into Silence
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Towers of Light
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Landscape as Communication of Human Activity
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Infinity
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Forests of Wind
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solar Flock
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solar Biennale
The Land Art Generator Initiative: The Solar Energy Field by Michael Jantzen
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Climate Art Generator
The Land Art Generator Initiative: The Solar Organ
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Sun and Water
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Sediment Spores
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Sun Rite Gravitation
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Land of sun, water and wind interaction
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solar Veil
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Fleet of 1244 Windturbines
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Fractal Generator
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Lotus Garden
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Solar Carpet
The Land Art Generator Initiative: City Trace Generator
The Land Art Generator Initiative: WindNest
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Sun Drops
The Land Art Generator Initiative: Art Sanctuary

3 Reacties

  1. GREG REITMAN zegt:

    20 januari 2011 om 21:59 | Permalink

    Pls send me details as i write for the environmentalist in the USA

  2. Erik van Erne zegt:

    12 april 2011 om 07:12 | Permalink

    The first session of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)in Abu Dhabi

    This week in Abu Dhabi — an emerging renewable energy hub — 800 delegates from more than 150 nations united to hold the first session of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The organization was formed to bring a dedicated global effort to promoting the adoption of renewable energy.

    The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organization for promoting the adoption of renewable energy worldwide. It aims to provide concrete policy advice and facilitate capacity building and technology transfer. IRENA was formed on January 26, 2009 by 75 founding nations. The aim is to have the agency fully operational by the end of 2010 with an initial annual budget of US$25 million by 2011. As of June 2009, IRENA has 92 Member States.

    See also: Masdar City: The First 100% Carbon Free Community in the World - Masdar Initiative: Hydrogen Power Abu Dhabi - Zayed Future Energy Prize 2011: Vestas Wins but Gives Away All $1,5 million

  3. Erik van Erne zegt:

    21 maart 2018 om 22:57 | Permalink

    Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park

    Sjeik Mohammed bin Rasjid Al Maktoem, vicepresident en premier van de VAE en emir van Dubai, heeft de vierde fase opgestart van het Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park.

    Dit is het grootste investeringsproject voor geconcentreerde zonne-energie (CSP) ter wereld, gebaseerd op het Independent Power Producer (IPP) -model. Het zal 700 MW genereren op een locatie en beschikt over de hoogste zonnetoren ter wereld van 260 meter hoog en de grootste thermische opslagcapaciteit ter wereld. Het levert schone energie aan 270.000 woningen, waardoor jaarlijks 1,4 miljoen ton CO2-uitstoot wordt verminderd. Het project zal twee technologieën gebruiken: een parabolisch bassincomplex van 600 MW en een 100 MW zonnetoren.

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