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Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo aka The VSS Unity ready for take off at Spaceport America

Geschreven op 26-1-2008 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Energie en Besparing, Vervoer en OV Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

Update 8 April 2018: Virgin Galactic Completes 1st Powered Test Flight.

SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity safely and successfully completed her first supersonic, rocket-powered flight.

After two years of extensive ground and atmospheric testing, the passing of this milestone marks the start of the final portion of Unity’s flight test program.

Virgin Galactic made a triumphant return to powered flight on April 5 2018 with a successful test of the company’s SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity suborbital vehicle. It was the company’s first powered flight in nearly 3.5 years, following the tragic loss of SpaceShipTwo VSS Enterprise on Oct 31, 2014.

VSS Unity was dropped from its WhiteKnightTwo mothership from about 50,000 feet (15,000 meters) over the mountains about 20 miles (32 kilometers) north of the Mojave Air and Space Port in California. Pilots David Mackay and Mark “Forger” Stucky fired Unity’s hybrid engine for 30 seconds, boosting the vehicle to a top speed of Mach 1.87 and a maximum altitude of 84,271 feet (25,686 m) before gliding back to the runway at the spaceport, Virgin Galactic representatives said.

See also: UK Spaceport Coming Soon: Space Industry Bill Signed in the UK

SS2 roll out

4 May 2017: First Feather Flight Of VSS Unity Completed. A successful test flight conducted from the Mojave Air and Space Port, during which the VSS Unity’s ‘feather’ re-entry system in flight was tested for the first time. This test follows after extensive testing of the feather system on the ground.

VSS Unity was piloted by Mark Stucky and Mike Masucci, with pilots Nicola Pecile and CJ Sturckow as well as flight test engineer Dustin Mosher in carrier aircraft VMS Eve.

This test flight was the fourth glide flight (and eighth flight overall) of VSS Unity. VSS Unity Project Engineer, Gabe Williams, describes the vehicle’s unique feathering re-entry system.

20 February 2016: Virgin Galactic shows off new spaceship: VSS Unity. Virgin Galactic unveiled its gleaming new spaceship, the first craft specifically designed to carry paying customers to space and return them safety to Earth.

The new blue-silver-and-white VSS Unity will undergo extensive testing on the ground and in unpowered flight before pilots fire up its rocket for flight tests. The company hasn’t yet released a schedule for when it may begin carrying passengers aloft, instead insisting it will launch only when ready.

16 juli 2010: Geweldig, de eerst bemande vlucht met de VSS Enterprise (SpaceShipTwo) is geslaagd.

VSS Enterprise Makes First Crewed Flight on15th July 2010, Mojave Air and Spaceport CA. 15th July was a significant milestone for Scaled Composites as the team march towards the first solo flights of VSS Enterprise (SpaceShipTwo). For the first time VSS Enterprise flew with crew on board. As planned, the spaceship remained attached to VMS Eve (captive) for the duration of the flight and numerous combined vehicle systems tests were conducted. In addition and for the first time, the two crew members on board VSS Enterprise, evaluated all of the spaceship’s systems and functions from end to end in the air. Objectives achieved. Congratulations to the whole team! Source: Virgin Galactic

8 december 2009: Zo, de volgende stap in het ruimte avontuur van Sir Richard Brandson is gisteren gezet toen SpaceShipTwo uit de hangar werd gerold en niet onbelangrijk de benodigde vergunningen zijn binnen. Reden genoeg voor Richard om er weer een mooi feestje van te maken.

SpaceShipTwo (SS2) and its mothership, VMS Eve (WhiteKnightTwo) herald a new era in commercial space flight with daily space tourism flights set to commence from Spaceport America in New Mexico after test program and all required US government licens.

26 januari 2008: Ik schreef al eens eerder over hem. Sir Richard Branson heeft de middelen om zijn dromen en ideeën tot werkelijkheid te maken. Eerst was er de start van Virgin Galactic, die ruimte vliegreizen gaat aanbieden. Toen kwam de bekendmaking van Spaceport America. Je moet tenslotte ergens vertrekken en als het goed is ook weer landen. En dan nu de aanbkondiging en onthulling van Space Ship Two. Ziet er toch fantastisch uit. Bron: Dezeen

virgin-galactic-sq.jpgNaar ik een keer begrepen heb tijdens een lezing van Sir Richard moeten de ruimtereizen kennis opleveren om energiezuiniger te gaan reizen.

En die kennis en technologie kun je dan weer toepassen in vliegtuigen, die Virgin Atlantic dan weer kan inzetten om ons energiezuinig te vervoeren.

Mochten al die plannen niet echt resultaat gaan opleveren dan is er natuurlijk altijd nog Virgin Balloons om eens rustig mee door de ruimte te zweven. Gebruikt ook een stuk minder energie.



6 Reacties

  1. Erik van Erne zegt:

    26 oktober 2009 om 08:30 | Permalink

    Richard Branson - What is Virgin Galactic?

  2. Erik van Erne zegt:

    20 juli 2010 om 23:20 | Permalink

    Video: SpaceShipTwo’s First Crewed Flight

  3. Erik van Erne zegt:

    11 oktober 2010 om 06:19 | Permalink

    Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo Makes First Glide Flight

    Seven months after making its first captive flight attached to its mother ship White Knight Two, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo (aka VSS Enterprise) completed its first solo glide flight today touching down on runway 30 at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California. The early morning flight took place after several months of simulated practice flights in the mother ship, also known as Eve, which has an identical cockpit as the space craft.

    The glide flight is a critical first step for the team at Scaled Composites which is building the space ship for Virgin Galactic. Though there has been no word from the company, it is expected the flight test development of the VSS Enterprise will be similar to that of SpaceShipOne.

    Back in 2003, SpaceShipOne performed seven solo glide flights before the first powered flight on 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers first flight. Virgin Galactic boss Sir Richard Branson recently announced he expects the first passenger flights to suborbital space in SpaceShipTwo to happen within the next 18 months. Less than a year after the first glide flight of SpaceShipOne, the Scaled Composite team had flown to space three times, capturing the X Prize. Source: Wired

  4. Erik van Erne zegt:

    12 oktober 2010 om 09:12 | Permalink

    Virgin founder Richard Branson discusses the progress of his Virgin Galactic

    Virgin founder Richard Branson discusses the progress of his Virgin Galactic division, which is trying to be the first viable space tourism company. The spacecraft, Spaceship Two, just made a successful free-gliding flight. (Oct. 11)

  5. Erik van Erne zegt:

    23 oktober 2010 om 14:39 | Permalink

    Runway unveiled for world’s first ‘tourist’ Spaceship Two at Spaceport America

    The world’s first commercial passenger spaceship moved a step closer to takeoff, as tycoon Richard Branson unveiled a new runway at a remote New Mexico spaceport.

    Branson and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson on Friday hosted a ceremony marking the completion of the main runway at Spaceport America, near the town of Las Cruces where the Virgin Galactic project is based. “This is the beginning of the second space age and we are proud to have been supporters of this part of the story.

    “From here we will see, perhaps daily flights into space, but also scientists, explorers of new opportunities beyond our planet,” he told reporters. Buzz Aldrin, the second man to set foot on the moon, told AFP: “I am very happy that civilians will be able to reach space. I’d like to be one of the passengers on these flights, of course.”

    SpaceShipTwo, a six-seat craft which is scheduled to carry paying customers into suborbital space by early 2012, made its maiden flight above the Californian desert in March. On Friday the aircraft — re-named the VSS Enterprise — flew high above the new two-mile (3.2-kilometer) long, 200-foot (60-meter) wide runway in tandem with its mothership, WhiteKightTwo or Eve. The space ship is 60 feet (18 meters) long and its cabin is similar in size to a Falcon 900 executive jet, “allowing maximum room for the astronauts to float in zero gravity,” according to the company. Source: Physorg

  6. Erik van Erne zegt:

    28 juli 2018 om 17:17 | Permalink

    VSS Unity: Third Rocket Powered Flight by Virgin Galactic

    Virgin Galactic conducted a supersonic test flight today of VSS Unity, a rocket-powered piloted Spaceship that will carry commercial passengers and scientific payloads to space.

    Following an initial and a subsequent supersonic test flight earlier this year, this marks the third powered flight and a key step forward in Virgin Galactic’s test program.

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