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Anders Bekeken

The Hydrogen Mobility Europe Project by (H2ME): An Ambitious Hydrogen Infrastructure Plan

Geschreven op 6-10-2015 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Energie en Besparing, Vervoer en OV Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

Hydrogen Mobilty Europe H2ME logoThe most ambitious hydrogen mobility initiatives in Europe have joined forces to support the introduction of hydrogen-fuelled transport.

Hydrogen Mobility Europe (H2ME) has launched an ambitious plan to enable the growth of the number of fuel cell vehicles (FCEVs) and hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) throughout Europe.

A large coalition of European partners has launched the Hydrogen Mobility Europe project (H2ME). H2ME is co-funded with €32 million from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). The project will support the deployment of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) and Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS) across Europe.

H2ME is the largest European project of this nature and is based around an alliance of the four most ambitious hydrogen mobility initiatives in Europe: H2 MOBILITY Deutschland, Mobilité Hydrogène France, Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership and UK H2 Mobility.

These initiatives originally brought together the key stakeholders in the hydrogen sector (vehicle manufacturers, hydrogen refuelling station providers and Government representatives), to study and develop strategies to make hydrogen-fuelled transport a reality in the respective regions. These initiatives will now be working together to make hydrogen-fuelled transport a reality in Europe. Under H2ME they will deploy 200 FCEVs, 125 fuel cell range-extended electric (FC RE-EVs) commercial vans and 29 new HRSs in 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK) by 2019.

This plan ties in with existing national level initiatives for the roll-out of a large scale hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, aimed at enabling Europe wide emission-free driving. The consortium, led by Element Energy, includes global leaders in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector, from fuel cells and car manufacturers (Daimler, SymbioFCell, Hyundai, Honda, Intelligent Energy, Nissan) and infrastructure providers (Air Liquide, BOC, H2Logic, ITM 2, Power, Linde, McPhy Energy, OMV, AREVA, EIFER, H2 MOBILITY Deutschland, HYOP, Icelandic New Energy, Communauté d’Agglomération Sarreguemines Confluences) to data monitoring and dissemination organisations (Cenex, WaterstofNet).

These initiatives will now be working together to make hydrogen-fuelled transport a reality in Europe. Under H2ME they will deploy 200 FCEVs, 125 fuel cell range-extended electric (FC RE-EVs) commercial vans and 29 new HRSs in 10 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK) by 2019.

This plan ties in with existing national level initiatives for the roll-out of a large scale hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, aimed at enabling Europe wide emission-free driving.

See also: De 100% Elektrische Honda FCV Hydrogen Full Cell: 700 kilometer op één tank waterstof - De Honda FCX Clarity met een waterstof brandstofcelDe Toyota Mirai Zero-Emission Elektrische Waterstofauto: Innovatie van het Decennium by CAMDe Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell EV: De 100% Elektrische Hyundai met een Atieradius van 600 kmThe 1966 GM ElectroVan: The First Fuell Cell Electric Vehicle in the World - Eerste Waterstof Energiecentrale staat in DelfzijlDé Nationale Waterstof Coalitie DutchHyDe Waterstofeconomie by Jeremy Ripkin

Één Reactie

  1. Geer zegt:

    12 juli 2017 om 19:17 | Permalink

    Hyundai Motor takes next STEP with world’s largest FCEV taxi fleet

    Hyundai Motor and the Paris-based electric taxi start-up STEP sign a memorandum of understanding about the handover of 60 additional Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell cars

    The new Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell cars are replacing fossil fuel powered taxis to reduce emissions The Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell is the world’s first mass-produced and commercially available fuel cell electric vehicle and can drive up to 594 kilometres on a full tank.

    See also: De Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell EV: De 100% Elektrische Hyundai met een Atieradius van 600 km

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