Belgian Solar Day 2021 by Becquerel Institute, EDORA, ODE And Techlink
Geschreven op 8-7-2019 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Agenda, Energie en BesparingUpdate 2 September 2021: The Belgian Solar Day is coming back on Wednesday, 15 september 2021 in The Egg In Brussels.
8 July 2019: The Belgian Solar Day is coming back on Friday 18th October 2019. The full program is coming soon.
In the meantime, here is an overview of the thematic that will be discussed this year.
The Belgian Solar Day is organized by APERe, Becquerel Institute, EDORA, ODE and Techlink.
APERe (the Association for the Promotion of Renewable Energies) is a Belgian independent association that works for the development of renewable energy in a context of rational energy use. Active since 1991, APERe has earned recognition from regional, national and European public authorities. The association helps citizens and territories to reach a greater, sustainable, environment-friendly and solidary energy autonomy.
The Becquerel instituteis a research and consulting company based in Brussels and operates globally. It provides research and advisory services to private companies as well as to public and institutional organisations in the field of renewable energies and photovoltaic electricity in particular.
EDORA is the federation of companies developing products and services in link with the energy transition. They federate economic players active in the field of renewable energies (such as wind, photovoltaics, hydroelectric, biomass, biogas …) but also the sustainable management of energy and smart grids. EDORA’s members include energy producers, installers, OEMs, project developers, consulting firms, associations, as well as suppliers of various and innovative “energy services”.
ODE, the Organisation for Sustainable Energy (Organisatie Duurzame Energie) brings together more than three hundred companies, knowledge centers, universities and organizations in technology platforms and workgroups, to exchange knowledge and to promote interest. ODE is the main stakeholder on renewable energy for the governments concerned.
Techlink is part of the Construction Confederation, the main federation in the building sector in Belgium. With this coordinating organization, she represents your company at local, regional, national and European level. Techlink is also involved in many organizations in the installation and building sectors. It brings different stakeholders together. Technicians, manufacturers, schools and other influential parties will forge links through Techlink.