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Anders Bekeken

LOOP SCOOPS for Children: Funny Videos to Get You Thinking about The Stuff in Your Life

Geschreven op 31-10-2010 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Educatie Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedintumblrmail

LOOP SCOOPS are short, funny videos to get you thinking about the stuff in your life and what this stuff can do to the environment. Each SCOOP tells the story of something you use or see everyday — a juice box, a magazine, an electronic gadget, a glass of juice, a pile of garbage.

We hope the videos will get you thinking in new ways and asking new questions, like: What is this made of? Where did it come from? Who made it? What happens when I throw it away? The SCOOPS are also special sneak peaks into a mysterious Top Secret project. We can’t tell you much about this project-it’s a surprise-but we can tell you that there are a bunch of kids, a mysterious and powerful video game, and a ton of adventure in a magical world. We want to hear from you about what you think of these videos. What you tell us could help this project. So please tell us what you think. And if you want to learn more about helping the environment check out these websites, just for kids: The Greens - ZOOM - FETCH - Young Voices on Climate Change Source: PBS

What’s a handheld game device made of and what impact does it have on the environment? In this fun animation, twin siblings Gabi and Oliver learn about Oliver’s handheld game device, including what it’s made of, where its materials come from, and what happens to it when it gets thrown away.

What does a sneaker have in common with a dog that’s been outside? The answer is pretty cool.

What generates more waste: a glass of home-squeezed juice from 5 oranges or a glass from a carton of juice? In this fun animation, Ben gets tested and learns the story of a glass of orange juice.

Join Clementine as she learns just how many magazines get thrown away every year and comes up with some creative alternatives for all that colored paper!

How many toys do Oliver, Ben and Clementine each need to be happy? You might be surprised.

Oliver has one minute to reduce a huge pile of garbage. Can he do it? How? And just who would throw all that stuff out anyway?

In this fanciful animation, we join Ben as he considers whether it a good idea to release an exotic pet frog into the wild.

In this fun animation, Brad learns all about just how indestructible a juice box is . . . which leads him to wonder if there is a better way.


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