European Sustainability Award: Empowering People And Ensuring Inclusiveness And Equality
Geschreven op 18-6-2018 - Erik van Erne. Geplaatst in Duurzaam10 April 2019: The European Sustainability Award aims to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union by giving a human face to the efforts and creativity of European people, businesses and organizations, which are turning the global sustainable development goals into concrete solutions and opportunities.
On 8 April 2019, the Commission handed seven awards for seven creative and inspiring stories of European people, businesses and organisations who work towards contributing to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on its three main dimensions: environmental, economic and social.
For the 2019 awards, the call for submissions opened in June 2018 and closed in September. The 148 applications from 24 Member States were inspired by the theme ‘Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality’ adopted for the 2019 UN High Level Political Forum.
The theme related to a cluster of SDGs: SDG 4 on quality education, SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth, SDG 10 on reduced inequalities, SDG 13 on climate action, SDG 16 on peace, justice and strong institutions and SDG 17 on partnership for the goals.
18 juni 2018: Mooi hoor, we hebben er een nieuwe award bij. De Europese Commissie gaat voor het eerst een European Sustainability Award uitreiken om de inspanningen en creativiteit te belonen van Europese individuen, bedrijven en organisaties die zich inzetten voor de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
De ambitie is inspirerende initiatieven promoten die de SDG’s omzetten in concrete oplossingen en kansen, rond het thema dat door de Verenigde Naties werd vastgelegd: mensen mondig maken en zorgen voor inclusie en gelijkheid.
Er zijn vier categorieën van deelnemers: jeugd, overheidsinstellingen, bedrijven en NGO’s.
De winnaars worden bekendgemaakt in het voorjaar van 2019 bekend gemaakt. Inschrijven kan tot 14 september 2018. Kijkt u hier (PDF) even voor uitgebreide informatie.
Zie ook: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: The Sustainable Development Goals The SDG’s –The United Nations Sustainable Development Summit: 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 Targets – Open Brief CEO’s 79 Internationale Bedrijven: Oproep Tot Concrete Actie Tegen Klimaatverandering – Bedrijven Nemen SDG Doelstellingen Verenigde Naties Weinig Serieus by KPMG - Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s): Nederland Slecht op Milieu, Klimaat, Energie SDG’s
In 2018 the European Commission launched for the first time ever a European Sustainability Award to reward the efforts and creativity of European people, businesses and organisations. The ambition of this award is clear: championing inspiring cases of initiatives that are turning the global Sustainable Development Goals into concrete solutions and opportunities.
Given the cross-cutting nature of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Sustainability Award focuses on a specific theme, linked to the annual theme chosen by the High Level Political Forum of the United Nations. For this year’s edition, the theme of the award is “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”.
The competition is open to 4 stakeholder categories: Youth; Public bodies; Private bodies; Civil society. The winners will be announced by the European Commission First-Vice President Frans Timmermans and Vice-President Jyrki Katainen during a high-level ceremony in spring 2019. The award is immaterial and brings high visibility in the form of renewed public interest and increased media coverage.
Interested? Then don’t wait any longer and find out how to enter the competition here. The deadline for applications is 14 September 2018. You may be the next European Champion of Sustainable Development!